- Ella

“My baby daughter was just 6 months old when she got her first ear infection following a cold she caught at daycare. We visited her primary care doctor and she was given antibiotics to kill the infection. As fall turned into winter and colds continued at daycare, my baby was continually sick and on antibiotics for ear infections; five in total. The ear infections caused her pain and misery, and I hated the never ending cycle of antibiotics. When the doctor said she wanted to discuss surgery for tubes to be inserted, I was worried and concerned as she was only 10 months old.

Because of my concerns, I decided to reach out to Congruent Life Chiropractic to see if they could help. Dr. Mike listened to my concerns and discussed his own childhood history of ear infections, so I knew he understood what was happening. When my daughter had her first cold after starting the chiropractic treatment plan it was a heavy one, producing lots of mucus which would have previously caused infection. This time the chiropractic adjustments prevented an infection and my daughter was able to recover from the cold/virus without pain, infection or antibiotics. Starting care for my daughter at CLC means we have no surgery scheduled for ear tubes and no risk of general anesthesia for such a young child!”

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- Terra

“I started coming to Congruent before I got pregnant with my oldest daughter. We were doing IVF and I wanted to make sure my body was in the best possible state before the transfer. After the transfer was a success, I knew I wanted to continue with chiropractic care to help with common pregnancy ailments and to ensure I was giving our child the best possible environment to grow and develop in.

I was adjusted all throughout my pregnancy which was so incredibly helpful. I carried the pregnancy so well, I wasn’t uncomfortable, I was able to exercise my entire pregnancy, and I didn’t experience the common pregnancy ailments many other mothers experience. My hips and pubic bone were comfortable all throughout my pregnancy and I didn’t have the common round ligament pain.

Chiropractic care helped prepare my body for an optimal labor and delivery and I’m so thankful! I went into labor on my own and was able to experience an easy delivery without complications. In addition, coming here frequently definitely helped my mind and body cope with all the postpartum changes as best as possible.

After learning about the complexities of the nervous system and how it governs growth + development and regulates all the systems of the body, getting our babies adjusted was a no brainer for us. Brinley was adjusted 2 days after she was born and has been adjusted every week since. She hardly ever gets sick, and if she does this is always our first stop. Adjustments help restore balance to the nervous system so her body can HEAL more quickly, and sure enough, she is usually better within a couple of days.

Landon was also adjusted within 2 days of his birth and my husband comes as well. Getting our whole family adjusted is so important to us to keep everyone in check. We call it the “poop button” and the “nap button” every week; everyone in the family sleeps so well after getting adjusted. Oftentimes it’s also our “attitude adjustment”, we all leave the chiro feeling happier!”

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- Covingtons

“I was coming in for prenatal care and began to learn how babies go through so much in both the womb and during childbirth. The stress that gets absorbed into their upper neck can influence all the neurology that controls growth + development, sleep + healing, and the immune system. It was so important to us that we brought Ridge in to get adjusted right after birth to address all of the stress in his nervous system as soon as possible, so ultimately he would be able to function at his best.

I wanted to make sure that he’d be set up to have the best possible development he could have, and I think through chiropractic care, that’s what we’ve been able to give him. I’ve learned tools from you guys to allow Ridge to function as best as possible. If he is fighting something immune wise, I bring him for extra adjustments to help optimize the function of his immune system. I know whatever struggle his body is navigating, he will only be able to handle it the best he can, if he has a balanced nervous system.

Prior to coming here, I had only been to chiropractic offices that would just do one scan in the beginning before starting care, but I never got subsequent scans done after that. At CLC, you are getting re-scanned frequently and are able to see your progress and how your body and nervous system is functioning on paper which is really awesome and a big reason why we decided to come here.

Another thing we absolutely love about CLC is the family atmosphere. You guys know us personally and truly care. It’s just the greatest feeling walking in and feeling known and heard.
My husband, Ridge and I all come here. I was the first one to start and saw huge benefits for myself, I knew this was a place I wanted to bring my whole family. It’s important to us to be preventative and proactive in our health, rather than just waiting for something bad to happen, and you’ve given us the tools and knowledge to do so!”

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We have helped hundreds of local families with a variety of health concerns.

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