- Testimonials
- Brynlee’s
Before we came to CLC, Brynlee was super colicky and would go 14 days in between bowel movements. Nursing was also becoming an issue; because she was so uncomfortable she would arch her back a lot and had a hard time latching. On top of that, she wouldn’t want to eat towards the end of the 14 day stretch of not pooping. If she wasn’t sleeping, she was crying. She had to be worn all day long, she couldn’t lay on her back comfortably until she was 8 weeks old because she had so much tension in her system.
It was super taxing to have to where her all the time. My other kids always wanted to hold her but every time I would hand her over to them she would start crying immediately because she was in so much pain. We tried eliminating dairy and spicy foods to see if diet was related to her pain and arching, but nothing would change. I was at my wits end of not knowing what else to do to try and comfort my baby.
Seeing the stress on the neurological scans on our first visit was really encouraging because we finally were able to pinpoint the root of all the stress Brynlee was holding in her body and in her nervous system. Brynlee had a really stressful delivery. They actually were trying to push her head back in to slow her down from coming out so quickly. Dr. Mike walked me through how this stress from labor and delivery had a major impact on all the stress we were seeing in Brynlee’s neck, and how that is related to digestion, calm input to the brain, and growth + development.
Within the first 4 weeks of care, we started noticing Brynlee was such a happier baby. We could visibly tell that after getting adjusted she would be more relieved. She was starting to poop more often! After 2 months of care, she is now pooping every single day, sometimes 2-3x/day and having blow outs! A lot of the times I don’t even know she’s pooped because she is no longer straining and crying out in pain. I don’t have to wear her all day long anymore, where as before that would be the ONLY position she would be comfortable in. Before chiropractic, she would wake up, eat, and I would try and get her back to sleep right away because when she was sleeping was the only time she was happy. I was basically just trying to survive until she was sleeping again. Now, she is the HAPPIEST baby! Anyone can look at her and she smiles. My other kids can hold her now, Emmy held her for 15 min this morning and she was happy the whole time. She doesn’t arch anymore when she is nursing and she LOVES being laid on her back now.
I’ve learned how much the stress in her nervous system literally impacts everything from her digestion, to growth and development. It’s been really sweet to see the growth and the changes. We know it is working and everyone else who has met her can tell the difference as well. She is night and day, a completely different baby. It’s so encouraging to know she is receiving relief and her body is starting to work together the way it is supposed to. We are just super grateful for you guys. She is SUCH a happy baby now!