- Testimonials
- Kennedy’s Mom
We sought out care for Kennedy at CLC when she was 3 months old because she was experiencing constipation and was beginning to get really irritable. She started showing symptoms of being colicky. She also was having a hard time with sleeping and nursing. She had started to go on breast feeding strikes where she would just refuse to eat. We knew Congruent Life from a family friend. When we started looking at reviews and testimonials, we decided this is where we needed to come for Kennedy.
From the moments we walked in the doors, you all were so great at educating us about how chiropractic care could help Kennedy. The scans really showed us what was going on internally and how the birthing process affects a new borns system. It was very unique that it could show us as parents where the stressors were in her body. It made sense and helped us make a connection of how the nervous system stress was affecting her digestive system and the calming components of the brain important for sleep and overall comfort. Being educated on that helped us understand there were other answers than just “she’ll grow out of this” or “this is just a stage”.
Kennedy’s struggles began around 1 month old when she was getting out of the “sleepy” new born stage. So in terms of the constipation, sleep, irritability, and eating challenges, she had been struggling for about 2 months when we began care at CLC. She experienced relief from her constipation almost immediately after beginning adjustments. Kennedy was having a bowel movement once every several days before chiropractic, and that was with utilizing gas drops and the windi stick. We definitely wanted to find a more natural approach. I went through one bottle of gas drops and I didn’t want to keep medicating her if we didn’t have to. We wanted a long term solution for her. Within 2 weeks she was having bowel movements every day, sometimes multiple times per day, and they were much easier for her to pass without having to strain.
We also started to see improvements with her eating. Before, she would go on these eating strikes where she would refuse to eat at each feeding session, and sometimes it would last for an entire day before she’d eat again because she was so uncomfortable. Sometimes, the only way I could get her to nurse was if I was bouncing on a ball to keep her content during the feed. I was constantly having to switch positions just to find a way that she would eat. That was a big frustration and we knew we had to address this as soon as possible. Within the first few weeks of care, she was only striking maybe once a day rather than at every feeding session, and by the end of the first month she no longer struggles with nursing challenges and feeding strikes at all.
Kennedy is a wonderful sleeper now. After the first month of care, she was sleeping through the night at 3 months old. She hit a little sleep regression at the 4 month mark that we breezed through and now she’s been in a good pattern of just waking one time per night to feed and going right back to bed. Before we started care she waking every 3 hours, if not more if she was going through a growth spurt.
After that initial phase of care where we were bringing Kennedy in several times per week, she was so much more comfortable and a completely different baby overall. From being so fussy, irritable and uncomfortable all the time, to being a happy, calm and content baby that just goes with the flow, we’ve made it a priority to continue to bring her in for weekly wellness care. We can visibly see how much better she feels after her adjustments and want to continue to support her nervous system as she has so much growth and development ahead of her.