- Tyler

“Tyler started Chiropractic care to help with his ADHD. Tyler’s ADHD was severe, he was actually dismissed from preschool due to behavior. He started medications at age 4, and we added a stimulant at age 6. Tyler was unable to complete school work due to his ADHD symptoms. The medications caused him to have nightmares often and prevented him from gaining weight.

Tyler started care at Congruent Life in April 2017 and in July 2017 we started tapering off his medications. Tyler has started 4th grade and is completely medication free for the first time is 6 years! I received a call from Tyler’s teacher and she stated that he has been doing very well in class. She actually said that she would have never known Tyler had severe ADHD, and he is just a typical 4th grade boy!

The team at Congruent Life has been amazing. They have provided our family so much support , knowledge, and caring. They helped us to not give up on our goal of having Tyler off medications. It is solely due to CLC that Tyler is medication free!”

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- Dylan

When I started here I had been struggling with lower back pain and pain between my shoulder blades for 6-12 months. I was constantly uncomfortable no matter what I was doing. Stretching wasn’t helping me that much and I used to have to roll out 2-3x/day on a foam roller to try and crack my back to even get a little relief, but I rarely have to do that now that I am getting adjusted. I live an active life style. If I was cutting down trees, working on my car, lifting weights… they would all exacerbate the symptoms, but yet even on days that I was relaxing the pain wouldn’t improve. It was interfering with my sleep and my mood because I was always uncomfortable. I was missing appointments and family get togethers because I wasn’t able to get much sleep.

When my wife told me about CLC I figured I would give it a shot. I was skeptical for sure, I honestly didn’t think it would help but I was willing to give it a try. I had been to other chiros before and it never really helped much. It took a little while to start noticing big improvements, but it was so helpful the way you guys explained why healing takes time and the neurological scans you had to back it up. The scans allowed a way to measure progress and a standard to compare it to. Pretty much everything that you guys do at CLC is different than what I’ve experienced at other chiros and it definitely works. I’m glad I gave it a shot, it has helped out with my back pain immensely!

Around week 2 or 3 of care, we gained enough healing momentum to really start to see the improvements. By week four I was feeling so much better. Now I couldn’t imagine not doing it and going back to how I was feeling before. I’ve been coming for over a year and rarely have back pain anymore. After I work a few days with all my police gear on, my back will start to get a little uncomfortable, but as soon as I get adjusted it helps so much. A lot of other police officers I work with have chronic back pain and I wanted to catch it before it got to that point. Now I feel like I am being preventative and proactive in my health. I am able to sleep way better and I am a lot happier now that I am not always in pain.

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- Jenny W

I started here once I found out we were pregnant with our second baby. I had started bringing my son Cal here for chronic immune challenges and saw such an amazing improvement in how his little body was able to function, I knew that’s what I wanted for our 2nd baby right from the start.

I am now 26 weeks pregnant and I’m feeling great! I don’t have all the anxious feelings with this pregnancy like I did with my first, and my pain has been minimal. I feel such a good sense of community and support at CLC.

I saw a different chiropractor when I felt soreness or stiffness with my first pregnancy. It almost felt like the other chiro didn’t even know I was pregnant. He’d come in and adjust me the same exact way every time. What you had to offer here at CLC was much different than my other chiropractic experience. The scans you did here were so helpful in making me more aware of the stress that my body and nervous system were holding. Even though I felt pretty good when I started, my scans were showing signs of a lot of stress related to motherhood. Caring for a toddler during pregnancy is hard on your body! You adjust me differently each time depending on what my body needs during that visit, and depending on the changes happening in my body during each stage of pregnancy.

I’m hoping to have a natural birth this time around! My husband and I attended the pregnancy workshop that you held here. Having the support from the doctors and the staff at CLC when it comes to having a natural birth is so helpful. All the research that was presented validated all the decisions I was making for our birth plan, and it was good for my husband to hear it from someone else. My husband was able to come and see a whole community of people who supported the decisions I wanted for our second baby and birthing experience. After that workshop, he has been so supportive of everything I want for our labor and delivery and we’ve even hired a doula this time around!

I went into Cal’s delivery unprepared; I was relying on the doctors to just tell me what was best, even though they didn’t really know me and what I wanted for my baby and birth. They don’t know what I can handle, they were so quick to tell me to just get an epidural. It’s going to be nice being armored with the confidence I have now, and the resources, to do it my own way this time around. I just feel a lot more empowered, and feel so much support from the community at CLC.

I’m also so excited to get my baby adjusted right away after birth. I didn’t come in here with Cal until he was a year old. He was colicky as a baby and was struggling with a lot of immune challenges and ear infections by the time I found CLC. I’ve learned so much about how much stress babies go through during the birthing process and how that can impact their comfort, sleep, digestion and immune system. Now I feel like I am going to be able to be a lot more proactive when it comes to my baby’s health and am looking forward to an easier postpartum period.

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- Emily M

I started coming to CLC when I was in the last few months of my pregnancy and had horrible pain in my hips and low back. I work at a school and even just walking up and down the halls was getting to be unbearable. Trying to care for my daughter at home was getting difficult to navigate with all the pain I was in. I love being active and exercising for the sake of having a way to release emotional stress, but I wasn’t able to do that anymore either.

When I initially came I thought it was going to just be a “quick fix” for pain because that’s all I’ve ever been used to when I’ve gone to other chiros, but then I learned about ALL the other benefits of getting adjusted consistently. I was so excited to get started after my initial appointment. I learned about how chiropractic can help provide a better birthing experience in general, promoting a more optimal position for baby, and by helping to prepare my body and nervous system for birth. My dream was always to deliver naturally and my first baby was born via C-section. I knew that this would help prepare my body naturally for the VBAC I was shooting for. I also learned how chiropractic can help prepare my body better for that postpartum healing journey. I didn’t realize before how beneficial chiropractic care was for regulating your hormones and your thyroid.

CLC was so different than every other chiropractor I’d ever been to. There was never any follow up with my other chiropractic experiences, it was all based on pain and then they’d just tell you to come back when it hurt again. I started to realize that was all just a band-aid for an underlying issue. It was never enough to truly get to the root of the problem. In contrast, I came to CLC and you did neurological scans to help pinpoint where the stress was in my nervous system, and the organ systems that could be effecting. You gave me a plan to get to the root of that stress so we could help better prepare my body for birth, postpartum, and proper hormone regulation.

I shared my history with you and you were able to give me an explanation behind why I may have thyroid issues. You could literally see it on paper when we did the scans that that region of my nervous system that controls my thyroid was really stressed! I was close to having postpartum depression with my first, and I wanted to do all that I could to help prevent that this time, going on medications was something that I wanted to avoid if possible. I learned the nervous system and chiropractic plays such a huge role in regulating all those postpartum hormone fluctuations.

The way you explain every adjustment and how that could be impacting my body is so helpful and again, unlike any other chiropractic experience I have had. I don’t just get “cracked” and sent on my way, it’s so much more than that here. I feel like I know so much more about how my body functions in general now, you certainly don’t get that when you go to the doctor. You’re just given a medication that will “fix” the problem, but in all reality, that isn’t really addressing the root of the issue.

After the first adjustment, I got in my car and started to tear up because I felt intense relief in my neck and my head felt like it got completely clear. I remember thinking “wow, I haven’t been able to just sit and be relaxed like this in so long”. The pain I felt in my pelvis was causing me to be in tears every night and I finally felt like I found someone who could help me. I felt so much relief in knowing that there was an option to help my thyroid function better more naturally.

I’ve gained so much knowledge on how to support and nourish my body properly as well, during both pregnancy and the postpartum time to help with that improved hormone regulation. I learned there is such a big drop in so many hormones after delivery, I feel like I was able to support my body so much better this time around with adjustments and some of your supplement recommendations so I didn’t feel such a massive dip and that postpartum depression that can come with it. With this postpartum period, I never had those days where I felt like I couldn’t function that I experienced with my 1st. I also had a successful VBAC which was one of my biggest goals!

I was super skeptical about new borns getting adjusted, I was imagining baby adjustments being the same as how I got adjusted, but they are SO GENTLE! Through my pregnancy I saw so many babies in here getting adjusted and would hear conversations about how much chiropractic could benefit infants after the baby experiences so much stress to their neck during the birthing process.

My son was 1 month old when we brought him in to get scanned because he was developing a flat spot, he was so stiff and rigid, he couldn’t move his head both directions, and it was really hard to comfort him. We could’ve either gone down the road of getting a helmet for him for the flat spot, or we could try and prevent it all together with chiropractic. Sure enough, once we started getting Gavin adjusted, he became so much more relaxed, he could move his head both ways, and his flat spot completely rounded out. I know that the health benefits of getting Gavin adjusted long term are so much better than that “quick fix”. We can be so much more preventative and proactive, and avoid things that that stress in his neurological system could have developed into in the future. He is SUCH a happy baby now!

After my son and I’s experience at Congruent Life, we cannot stop talking about you guys. Everyone is so kind at CLC and I feel like the doctors are almost like my life coaches! I tell everyone to come here!

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- Kelli S

I’ve had PCOS and infertility since I went off of birth control in 2020 to try and get pregnant. We struggled to get pregnant for 2.5 years and had to do fertility treatments to get pregnant with our daughter.

I started looking for a different way to help with my PCOS and fertility challenges because I wasn’t happy with the options I was given before, which were essentially birth control to induce a cycle and then future fertility treatments if I ever wanted to get pregnant again. I also had recently been prescribed metformin to address the insulin resistance component of PCOS. I was hoping to find a more natural way to restore my cycles and ovulation, and that is exactly what I have found at CLC.

It’s hard to be told there is nothing you can do, and the only thing the medical system could offer me was putting me on medications for the rest of my life. The unknown of whether we would ever be able to have a child was so scary. Walking through infertility was so frustrating and emotionally taxing for us…the anxiety… the unknown.

When I came to CLC, I felt very heard. It wasn’t just a generalized explanation of PCOS and the standard “treatment” like I got from my OB, everything was very personalized to me and focused on where the scans where showing stress in my nervous system. My concerns were heard. I wanted to be more proactive. I didn’t want to rely on birth control, metformin, clomid, & letrozole. I knew those were all acting as band-aids for a deeper rooted problem.

My initial report of findings with Dr. Nikki was a very emotional experience. I knew all these things I was feeling and was struggling with; then the neurological scans showed the areas that control my ovaries and hormone regulation were super stressed within my nervous system; my adrenal glands were showing signs of exhaustion. For the first time, I felt like I wasn’t crazy. I felt validated. I knew there was something that was at the root of my hormonal issues and we were finally able to pinpoint it from a holistic and root-cause lens.

My body wasn’t doing what it should be doing because of all the stress bound up in my neurological system. The scans were showing a perpetual fight or flight response occurring in my nervous system, that was leading to exhaustion in my adrenals, and altering how my ovaries were functioning.

It was very different than all my other experiences up until this point where I was being told by my doctors, “You’re 29 yrs old but you’re just going to have to live with this forever.” Even in terms of preventing pregnancy, the only option I’ve ever been given is birth control, and through my time here I have learned there are natural ways to do this. I’ve learned so much about how my body functions, signs of ovulation and fertility… things I’ve never been taught before but absolutely SHOULD know as a woman.

The end of the school year is usually one of the most stressful times of the year, and after about a month of care I started noticing I was able to just let the stress slide off me, then I got my first set of scans back and learned my adaptability had increased so much. I started noticing I had a general sense of being more calm and being able to handle stress better.

I have now been at Congruent Life for 3 months and the changes and healing I have experienced have been incredible. I’ve had TWO unmedicated menstrual cycles; I hadn’t had an unmedicated menstrual cycle since I was 17 years old (12 YEARS AGO)!! I have also noticed signs of ovulation, which I had always had to take a medication to induce in the past.

I have experienced less illnesses and allergies and I also haven’t had any sinus infections this year (I usually I get 2-3 of those per year).I feel happier now, not many things can upset me too much. If something does upset me, it is short lived. I also feel more focused on tasks that I need to get done in a day. I have more energy throughout the day without a mid-afternoon slump; I don’t feel the need to take a nap as often as I used too.

I’ve also found a natural supplement through the guidance of Dr. Nikki to help with my insulin resistance and haven’t had to take metformin since beginning care! I’ve learned so much about how to nourish my body well to support optimal hormone regulation since being here. All the knowledge I’ve gained here has been so eye opening and empowering. My body CAN heal and IS healing! I feel like I have more confidence in advocating for myself at my appointments with my other doctors as well. I’ve gained so much information here on how to build a more natural and nourishing lifestyle for myself, but also my daughter. I’m more equipped to teach my daughter about how her body is supposed to function, about her menstrual cycle, and how to be proactive in health.

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- Landon

We started Landon at CLC because he was struggling with seizures and anxiety. His body was always on the go and it seemed like he was never able to fully relax. Sleep was also a HUGE issue. He would go to sleep at 9:30 pm and by 10-10:30 pm he’d be up already having a party and it would be like that pretty much throughout the whole night.

At CLC you are focused on getting to the root cause of his issues with the functional assessments you do of the nervous system. It made so much sense when we saw how “noisy” and stressed his scans were on the first visit, and how that could be impacting Landon’s ability to be calm, sleep and heal from the seizures. You guys are so accommodating to Landon and always make him feel comfortable at his adjustments, which was something we haven’t experienced in the past with other chiros.

This is the first year we have noticed his seizures have not been as intense in September-November, which was always a time of the year where Landon would struggle with a ton of seizures for months on end. This year he only experienced them for a week or 2 here and there. It was nothing like before!

Since beginning care at CLC, Landon’s speech has improved significantly, as well as his vision. He used to be blind in his left eye, and at his last eye appointment we found out that Landon can now see BETTER out of his left eye (20/40) than he can out of his right (20/50)! Landon is a lot more calm now and his sleeping has improved SO MUCH, now that his nervous system is in a calmer state. Most of the time he sleeps til 4:30-5 am, compared to before where he would be up an hour after going to bed and then several times throughout the whole night! His seizures have improved significantly! We’ve also seen an improvement in his immune function, he hardly ever gets sick anymore!

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- Olivia

I began care when I was pregnant with my goal of having a natural, unmedicated birth. I wanted to give myself the best chance and I learned that chiropractic care might be able to help with this!

My husband was so supportive of me continuing chiropractic care postpartum because of how amazing our birth experience was. My birth was 3 hrs and was completely unmedicated! Even my husband was adamant that my consistent chiropractic care played a huge factor in how wonderful our birth went! I felt so confident and empowered during labor with all the knowledge, empowerment, and support I received during pregnancy at CLC. You took care of my body physically to optimize birth preparation, but also your culture here is just so supportive for mothers. I felt more supported here than anywhere else during pregnancy.

When I shared with my midwives that I wanted to have an unmedicated birth, it was a scenario where I had to continually remind them about my wishes and them continuing to remind me it was okay if I wanted an epidural. Here it was so different, the doctors knew that this was my goal and did everything they could to support me in that decision and help me achieve that goal.. I didn’t feel like I had that experience with any of my other practitioners.

There was so much doubt introduced from not only other practitioners, but also my family and friends.

Everyone was very skeptical of me being able to have a natural labor, reminding me of my very low pain tolerance. It would make me question “can I actually do this??” But I knew whenever I walked through the doors at CLC, I would be fully heard and supported.

Here, I learned those pain signals during birth have a purpose to continue to give information to the brain in order to progress labor. I learned how it allows you to have control over your pelvic floor muscles rather than just blocking all the sensors. It was a whole different perspective on the incredible design of natural labor and I felt so empowered in my bodies ability to be able to do this!

I continue to feel that support during this postpartum journey. As a new mom, I have learned there’s a lot of areas of new stress in my body that come along with nursing and caring for my baby. With the increase in stress in my lower neck from nursing, I started to get tingling into my hands. When I came in to get adjusted you knew exactly what was happening in my body and we were able to resolve the issue right away.

We got our daughter adjusted within the first week of her life. Before coming to CLC, I had no idea babies’ spines and nervous systems endure a lot of stress during the birthing process. If Joanna is going through a big developmental leap, I now know that keeping her nervous system as calm as possible and adjusting her in areas of stress can help optimize that development. Or when she is sick, I know that getting adjusted can help her immune system function more optimally and speed up her recovery process.

One time I brought her in and she had been spitting up so much, I was starting to get concerned. You did some adjustments in the areas that help with her digestive system and it helped so much! The fact that we can bring her in for an adjustment when she is constipated and she is able to go poop before we even leave is mind blowing!

I had been to other chiros in the past, but CLC was so different! I had never experienced a technologically integrated chiropractic approach. Because of the scans, I am able to see and understand the stress in my body so much more. One of the coolest things I have learned is the way our spine and nervous system is connected to everything else. By getting adjusted, I know that all the organ systems in my body are able to function better. It has allowed us to be a lot more proactive in our health rather than reactive.

There have been multiple times that we’ve come to get adjusted and I haven’t even told the doctors about what’s going on with Joanna or myself, but they already know based on where the stress is at in our nervous systems! There was one time you identified the EXACT thing that was happening in our life before I had the chance to even tell you and I was completely shocked!

It blows my mind, through identifying stress in our spine, you’re able to tell what’s going on in our lives. The fact that that is possible communicates your spine and nervous system is clearly connected to how everything is functioning in your body and your quality of life; therefore you should proactively maintain that!

I’ve learned it’s not about “oh I’ve just got in a car accident I should get adjusted”, but rather “I just rode in the car for 6 hours and that was stressful to my spine; I should get adjusted and address that stress right away” …. or “I’m postpartum and breastfeeding, which also puts a lot of stress on my system and it’s important I maintain my nervous system health so I can continue to heal optimally and function my best as I’m caring for my new infant.” People don’t really think about all the small things that stress your nervous system on a daily basis that can add up to larger areas of stress and problems if left unaddressed.

I think the best thing about congruent life is the supportive culture. I don’t know any of your other patients, but yet it still feels like a family whenever I walk in the door! The doctors are empathetic and encouraging; CLC is great in every way.

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- Abby K

I started coming to CLC during my pregnancy because I was having a lot of lower back pain. I wanted to find a chiro that focused on prenatal care to help prepare my body for a natural labor and delivery.

I had been having unmanageable low back pain for a few weeks. It was really frustrating dealing with this pain because I could not get into or out of the car without having back spasms, and when it was at its height it was really debilitating and basically affected everything that I did.

Something that I really appreciated at first, was how different CLC was compared to my prior chiropractic experiences. I don’t think I ever had really known why certain things were being done when I had received chiro care in the past. I think as someone who is in the medical field, I really appreciated how thorough all the tests were that you did and the explanations that went along with them. It allowed me to understand WHY my body is behaving the way it is, and how we are going to not just treat the symptoms but find the underlying root cause. At other chiros I’ve been to in the past, I had zero understanding of how the spine and health of the nervous system was impacting how everything was functioning in my body.

I started noticing changes right away. After the first few adjustments my body was already physically starting to feel so much better in terms of the low back pain I had been experiencing. It was no longer interfering with my life, and I could do what I wanted to do and not worry about going into a debilitating back spasm. I physically am not walking around in pain anymore, but something I wasn’t expecting was how much calmer I was going to feel once I began care. When I started here I always felt like I was stuck in fight/flight mode. I felt like I was always tense, hurried, and anxious. Now that it’s been a few months since I’ve started getting adjusted, I’m starting to experience a lot of emotional changes. Once we started working through a lot of the physical stress my body was experiencing during pregnancy, we were able to start to uncover a lot of areas of stress where my body was holding onto emotional stress. Now that we’ve worked through that, I’m able to respond to stress much more efficiently now. I feel an overall sense of calm compared to before.

Coming to CLC has also helped me gain an understanding of holistic health and wanting to get to the root cause of stress, rather than just fixing symptoms. I feel like I’ve been able to learn how to live more in line with how we were designed.

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- Amanda

Before beginning care at CLC, I was struggling with anxiety, vision issues, and extreme hot flashes and night sweats that significantly interfered with my ability to sleep. My whole family was already coming here when I decided to start. I was seeing so many improvements in my twins and husband once they began care at CLC, I finally decided it was my turn.

The vision issues I was dealing with made me feel like I had been drinking all the time— which I hadn’t. Turning my head too quickly would make me dizzy. We had done all kinds of medical testing- MRIs & CTs- and found nothing. I was dealing with this for 6 months before beginning care. It made me feel “off” all the time.

I didn’t know where to turn. I couldn’t see straight, glasses weren’t working, the eye doctor and medical doctors couldn’t find anything wrong, but I knew SOMETHING was going on. It was super frustrating not knowing what was wrong with me. I had also been on antidepressants before to help manage my anxiety and depression and didn’t want to have to go down that road again because of the side effects, they were affecting the relationship I had with my husband. I just didn’t want to go through my life medicated anymore. (We were at the point with our kids that medication was going to be our next step to help control their anxiety and behaviors, and when we were able to get to the root of their stress at CLC and ultimately did NOT have to resort to meds, I knew I wanted the same for myself).

You approach health and healing so differently at CLC. You look at what is going on internally to find the root cause of stress and dysfunction in the brain and body, rather than a “band-aid” approach I have experienced in the past. The neurological scans you do at CLC on the 1st visit to assess internal stress were very validating. You finally were able to pinpoint areas of stress that could be contributing to all the symptoms I had been struggling with for so long with no answers.

It didn’t take long to start feeling the benefits of chiro care. The vision and dizziness issues I was dealing with before have all improved since beginning care. I don’t have the brain fog like I used to. My hot flashes at night have improved significantly, which is allowing me to sleep so much better at night. I go to sleep faster and stay asleep; I don’t wake up in the middle of the night having to change my clothes because of night sweats anymore.

My temperament has also improved, I don’t snap like I used to. I’m managing my anxiety a lot better now, I don’t feel like it weighs on my shoulders like it used to. I’m able to process things that stress me out better, I can step away and take a breather and calm down rather than just flying off the handle. I’m not always on edge anymore, life is just easier now!

Coming to CLC has changed my perspective on life and health. I’m able to recognize stressors so much easier now and have been able to implement more effective coping mechanisms to manage my stress better.

When my kids are sick or showing signs of stress, my 1st inclination is to bring them in to get adjusted to allow their nervous system to ADAPT to this new stress more efficiently, and most of the time we are able to avoid trips to the pediatrician and medications because of it! Our whole family is processing and handling life stress so much better now that CLC is a part of our wellness journey.

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How much is poor health costing you?

How many sick days do you have to take for yourself, or your kids?

How much time & money do you spend driving your kids to all the appointments?

What important things in life are you missing out on?

Is taking vacations stressful because your kids have trouble handling unfamiliar places?

Has your family’s health challenges taken a toll on your health?

Poor health may already be costing you a great deal.

What’s My Investment

Every person and every family have different health needs; therefore, we have a variety of different options and are very flexible. Call our office today to figure out the investment it will take to get your family checked.