Chiropractor North Liberty

Everything You Wanted to Know About Chiropractic Adjustments

Not only does your spine play a vital role in balance, but it also contains nerves that are responsible for pain. When injury occurs to the tissue in your spine, it may cause the spine to become misaligned, which ultimately irritates your spinal nerves-causing pain, inflammation, discomfort and diminished function. This type of spinal condition is known as spinal dysfunction, vertebrae restriction or subluxation. These conditions may occur from an injury to the tissue during a single traumatic event, such as improperly lifting heavy items, car accidents or even sitting with poor posture. Visiting a chiropractor in North Liberty for a chiropractic adjustment can help to restore your mobility, which in turn alleviates the tight muscles and pain by allowing the injured tissue to heal.

What Are Chiropractic Adjustments?

When visiting a chiropractor, North Liberty residents often inquire about chiropractic adjustments. This type of chiropractic procedure consists of the chiropractor using a small instrument and/or their hands to apply a sudden, but controlled force to the spinal joint. The primary goal of a chiropractic adjustment is to correct the spinal alignment, which in turn will help to improve your body’s physical function. If you are suffering with joint pain, back pain or even headaches, a chiropractic adjustment may be the solution for relieving your pain.

Does a Chiropractic Adjustment Hurt?

When it comes to adjustments by a chiropractor North Liberty residents generally find the process provides them with a sense of calmness, relaxation and well-being. When your nervous system functions are improved through adjustments, your body will start the process of natural healing. Although you may feel slightly sore immediately following your adjustment, most people feel an instant improvement in their mobility.

Are Chiropractic Adjustments Safe?

When having an adjustment by an experienced, knowledgeable chiropractor, North Liberty residents will find the procedure to not only be completely safe, but it can also repair damage caused by a wide range of accidents/injuries. Your chiropractor will do a complete examination to determine if you are a good candidate for an adjustment and the type of adjustment that will be the most beneficial for your specific injury.

What Conditions Are Adjustments Beneficial For?

The most common reasons people visit their chiropractor for an adjustment is to seek relief for neck and/or back pain. However, there are several conditions that chiropractic adjustments are beneficial for, including:

  • Colic Excessive Crying
  • Reflux Excessive Spitting Up
  • Constipation Gas Pains
  • Ear Strep Infections
  • Anxiety Depression
  • Congestion, Colds and Cough
  • Hyperactivity & Behavior
  • Sensory Processing Issues
  • ADHD, ADD, ODD, ASD & more

Chiropractic adjustments are a safe and natural resource for the relief of pain caused by a wide range of conditions. Chiropractic adjustments allow you to heal naturally, which means you live your best life without the use of surgery and/or medications.

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