I had chronic headaches for years (stemming all the way back to childhood) before finding Congruent. I had tried a lot of different things over the years. I would go to the doctor and honestly felt like they just never listened to me. All they wanted me to do was to take more pain killers, which never really worked for me. I also didn’t want to be dependent on medications.

After my daughter was born I struggled with a lot of postpartum anxiety and depression. I had a lot of friends who have come to CLC and after hearing their testimonies on how it helped them with their anxiety and depression throughout that postpartum time, I knew I wanted to have that support before going into another pregnancy.

Dealing with headaches for so long was really defeating. I felt like I had to just accept that my life would consist of daily headaches forever. My mom has struggled a lot with chronic headaches too and she had said to me once “we are just headache people” so then my mindset for a while was “oh I guess I’m just a headache person!” but the more I grew up and talked to other people I realized that wasn’t normal.

Before starting here, I had a headache EVERY SINGLE DAY. Seeing the neurological scans on the first visit was very validating. I saw that there was a lot of stress in the areas of the nervous system that can result in headaches; we were able to pinpoint the problem and the root cause. I realized there was something we could do about this, and maybe I wouldn’t have to live with daily headaches forever.

Within a 2-4 weeks of beginning care, I was already starting to see big changes. In addition to the daily headaches, before care I was also having severe migraines about 1x/month. After the first month of care, I can say I have been migraine FREE for 6 months! My headaches are so much better now. Instead of DAILY headaches, I only get a headache about 1x every 2 weeks! If I get a headache, I can usually pinpoint it back to not drinking enough water that day.

The intensity of my headaches have also improved so much since coming to CLC. My headaches used to shut me down a lot, I couldn’t work, I’d be in bed vomiting with black out curtains. Even on a normal headache day it would distract me a lot from my work and my family and I would have to lay down. If I get a headache now, they are so much less intense and they don’t alter my days like they used to. If anything it’s like a dull annoyance. I’ve also been able to manage my anxiety a lot better since beginning care. My life is completely different now!

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We have helped hundreds of local families with a variety of health concerns.

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