- Testimonials
- Tori
“I initially came to Congruent because I was having migraines beyond belief; they paralyzed me to the point I couldn’t get up and do daily functions. They were so bad ibuprofen wouldn’t touch them. I also had very shakey hands and my weight fluctuated a lot. I was experiencing extreme fatigue and had a lot of brain fog. My menstrual cramps were unbearable and I had a very sluggish digestive system.
I didn’t want to feel like this forever. I just wanted a day to wake up and not wonder if I’m gonna feel like crude; not wonder if I’m going to get a migraine; not be hesitant to show someone a picture on my phone because my hands are shaking so bad. I had been struggling with all of this stuff for about a year and I just wanted to feel GOOD again.
I don’t love going to the doctor, for my whole life it’s never been my first resort. I hated the idea of going on any type of migraine medication. I was at a loss of what to do. I knew I had to try CLC first. I finally pulled the trigger and started care here; it’s helped me with every single symptom that I came in with.
CLC got to the root cause. You found out what the real problem was, where as other places would have just masked the issues with medications and prescriptions. When I saw all the stress on my neurological scans at my first appointment, I was actually relieved that everything I was experiencing wasn’t just in my head, I could see it right there on paper.
You can tell you guys genuinely care about your patients; I feel so comfortable here. I have never felt comfortable at a doctor’s office until I came here. You want to know that you are being taken care of, that YOU matter, and that’s what I feel here.
I started feeling better immediately. The first time I got adjusted, I came in with a headache and left without a headache; I haven’t had a migraine since! Before, I couldn’t even get my pain during my cycle to a manageable amount WITH ibuprofen, now my cramps are very minimal or not there at all! My digestion has also improved significantly!
After the first month of care, my hands stopped shaking! I was feeling so much more energized. My brain fog was gone! I wasn’t able to focus on anything or be present before…now, it’s just so different! My anxiety and depression have improved so much; because so many of my other symptoms that were draining me have improved significantly, I am now better able to focus my energy on healthy ways to manage my anxiety and depression. It’s very apparent to people I am around on a daily basis that my health has improved by a landslide. I was shocked how quickly I started feeling better in literally every aspect of my health.
My life is just way better now. I am HEALING. You guys have helped me more than you know. I can’t even believe I let myself go so long feeling the way I was. I am so incredibly thankful I found CLC.