
During infancy and toddlerhood, growth and development is occurring more rapidly than any other time in life. The stresses that our kids and teens are under these days are unprecedented. Taking all of this into consideration, we must have strategies to help support and nourish neurological development in our children. Supporting the delicate fibers of their nervous systems through chiropractic care can help to ensure proper growth and development, healing, relaxation, immune function, digestion, and much more!!

By addressing the cause we have helped common childhood conditions:


  • Difficulty Breastfeeding
  • Colic & Excessive Crying
  • Reflux & Excessive Spitting Up
  • Stiffness & Tightness
  • Constipation & Gas Pains


  • Ear & Strep Infections
  • Congestion, Colds & Cough
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Speech Development
  • Balance & Coordination


  • ADHD, ADD, ODD, ASD & more Hyperactivity & Behavior
  • Sensory Processing Issues
  • Allergies & Asthma
  • Bedwetting


  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Headaches & Migraines
  • Focus & Memory Issues
  • Sports Performance
  • Hormones

** We do not claim to treat or cure any of these conditions **

Who We Serve

We have helped hundreds of local families with a variety of health concerns.

What Our Patients are Saying