Uncover the Root Causes of Children’s Seasonal Allergies

Imagine a world where your child no longer has to endure the relentless struggles of seasonal allergies – the constant congestion, irritation, and the endless cycle of medications with their undesirable side effects. What if you could delve deeper and unearth the true underlying cause of seasonal allergies, going beyond the conventional opinions of pediatricians and even holistic health practitioners? If you’ve exhausted every avenue, from over-the-counter medications to natural remedies, and still find your child suffering, then this is tailored specifically for you.

This blog is dedicated to parents and families who have explored all options – from mainstream pharmaceuticals to holistic alternatives like dietary changes, detoxes, and supplements. If you’ve diligently pursued gut health as a means to bolster your child’s immune system against allergies, you’re on the right path, but there’s more to discover.

We aim to provide drug-free, natural solutions that don’t just address surface-level symptoms but dig deep into the heart of the issue – the neurological stress and interference that often underlie these allergies.

Understanding the Science

In a world where traditional medicine is often prescribed, keeping children indoors during allergy seasons and drowning symptoms with medications, there’s a growing realization that this approach compromises the quality of children’s lives. Children are meant to explore the outdoors and enjoy life unhindered!

Moving beyond traditional medicine, many parents have embraced holistic approaches centered around gut health to enhance immune function. While this is a significant step towards addressing the root causes, it’s akin to treating the tree’s trunk without delving into the roots. This tree analogy encapsulates the idea – to truly transform a tree’s health, we must start at its roots.

Hidden beneath the surface, the true culprit behind seasonal allergies and immune dysfunction often lurks – subluxation. This refers to stress and interference within the Autonomic Nervous System, the body’s master regulator. The Autonomic Nervous System governs various bodily systems, including the immune system. When subluxation occurs, it tips the balance towards a pro-inflammatory state, intensifying allergies. Additionally, it suppresses the parasympathetic side, which is responsible for bolstering the immune system.

Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care

At Congruent Life Chiropractic, our approach focuses on identifying subluxations and neurological interference deeply entrenched within the Autonomic Nervous System. The revolutionary INSiGHT Scans enable us to pinpoint these issues. Subsequently, we administer safe and gentle Neuro-Tonal adjustments that alleviate stress on the sympathetic side while reinvigorating the parasympathetic nervous system. This comprehensive approach will remarkably enhance your child’s gut and immune function.

If you’re exhausted from exploring every avenue to alleviate your child’s seasonal allergies, and yet they persist in enduring constant congestion and discomfort, it’s time to dig deeper with chiropractic care. Feel free to reach out via DM with any inquiries, or take the leap and schedule an appointment for your child’s INSiGHT Scans. If you are not local to our office, check out our directory to find a PX Doc near you.

In the journey to empower parents and help your child with the frustration that is seasonal allergies, remember: hope is within reach. Together, let’s uncover the path to a healthier, happier future for your child – where they can enjoy the outdoors without worry!

Unlocking the Potential of Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care: 5 Things That Make Us Different

It’s an incredible feeling as a parent to walk into Congruent Life Chiropractic, where everything is designed to empower parents and make them feel in control of their child’s health. Our focus on pediatrics, pregnancy, and family wellness creates a warm and welcoming environment.  Our Docs and Care Advocates strive to make you feel at home and are always ready to serve you and your family.

It’s so important for us to provide you with insanely convenient and family-friendly systems and procedures because we understand that modern families lead busy lives, juggling multiple responsibilities. That’s why we have streamlined our systems and procedures to be incredibly easy for you to navigate.

From scheduling appointments to filling out paperwork, you can do it all from the comfort of your home or while waiting in the school pick-up line. We value your time and aim to make your experience organized and efficient at every step.

Most importantly, our Congruent Life Chiropractic team possesses extensive clinical training, experience, and a specialized focus on pediatrics, pregnancy, and family care.

Here are the 5 key elements that set a PX Doc office apart from anything else out there!

1.   Case History, Connection, Listening, Root Cause

When you visit Congruent Life Chiropractic, our dedicated doctors take the time to truly listen to you and your kiddo. We delve into your child’s case history, seeking to identify the root cause of their health challenges.

Unlike the traditional medical world that often focuses solely on symptom management, the #1 thing that makes Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care different is this: addressing the underlying root cause of your child’s unique challenges and working with the nervous system to do so.

2.   Empowerment and Education

After thoroughly examining your child’s case history, we ensure that you are fully informed about Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care. We explain the workings of our incredible technology, INSiGHT scans, and the benefits of our Neuro-Tonal adjustments that will help your child achieve neurological healing and restoration.

Our goal is to educate and empower you, providing resources such as posters, handouts, articles, videos, and live workshops that simplify complex concepts and help you understand our approach.

3.   Neurological Exam and INSiGHT Scans

At Congruent Life Chiropractic, we prioritize the health, development, and function of the nervous system. As the “master control system” for the body, it influences all your child’s vital functions.

Through the use of INSiGHT Scans, we can identify and evaluate neurological stress, subluxation, and dysfunction within your child’s nervous system. These scans allow us to pinpoint the root cause of your child’s challenges, from ear infections to autism to anxiety, and determine the location and severity of neurological stress.

4.   Neuro Restorative Care Plans

Based on the information gained from the INSiGHT Scans, we create a personalized and customized care plan for your child. Our approach goes beyond traditional chiropractic care, ensuring that we address the specific needs of your child. These care plans are carefully tailored to provide optimal results and surpass your health goals for your child and family.

5.   Pediatric Neuro-Tonal Adjusting

What truly sets us apart is our unique Neuro-Tonal Adjusting approach, designed to be safe and effective for children. Our doctors are trained in various adjusting techniques, enabling them to match the best approach to your child’s individual needs, that result in the absolute best results.  The most common response from kids to our adjustments are big smiles, lots of laughs, deep relaxing breaths, decreased stress, increased sleep, and digestive relief!

At Congruent Life Chiropractic, our mission is to empower you, parents, to make the best decisions for your child’s health. Our family-friendly environment, combined with convenient systems and specialized clinical care, ensures that you feel supported and in control.

Please don’t wait to give us a call and if you’re not local to us, check out our directory and find a PX Doc office near you! We are here to accompany you and your child on your journey toward optimal health and well-being, providing exceptional care for your entire family.

Proprioception: The Missing Piece in Your Child’s Development Puzzle

As parents, we constantly seek to make the best decisions for our children’s health, and when we have that gut feeling that something is not right, it’s unsettling, especially if we’re not quite sure what is wrong.

There is a term that may not be on the radar for most parents: proprioception. If your child struggles with motor tone and development, weak core, delayed walking or talking, sensory processing disorder, autism spectrum disorder, or even ADHD and anxiety,then proprioception could be at the core of these challenges.

Understanding proprioception, its importance for children’s developing brains, and how early childhood stressors and birth interventions such as C-sections, inductions, forceps, and vacuum-assisted deliveries can disrupt it is vital knowledge for parents.

If you are a parent whose child is dealing with motor function issues, tone and coordination difficulties, sensory processing challenges, speech delays, and more, this is for you. It is especially relevant if you have your child in common therapies like physical therapy (PT), occupational therapy (OT), and speech therapy but have either reached a plateau or are not witnessing the desired results as quickly as you had hoped.

As Neurologically-Focused Chiropractors, we want to dive deep with you into the topic of proprioception, motor tone, and development and how they profoundly impact sensory processing, behavioral and emotional regulation, focus, memory, and much more. By gaining a solid understanding of these concepts, you, as a parent, will be empowered to make informed decisions about your child’s health and development.

Understanding Proprioception

Proprioception is like our body’s “sixth sense” that constantly sends information to the brain about the body’s position, movement, coordination, spatial orientation, and motor tone. Although we may not consciously think about it, proprioception is essential for everyday tasks such as walking, writing, and reaching for objects.

Crucially, proprioception plays a pivotal role in brain development, optimal brain function, regulation, and overall well-being in developing children and teenagers. Altered proprioception is closely correlated with the four main neurological conditions that children often face today: autism, sensory processing issues, ADHD, and anxiety. It can also be connected to epilepsy and seizures.

Birth Trauma + Subluxation

Birth interventions and trauma, including C-sections, inductions, forceps, and vacuum-assisted deliveries, can disrupt proprioceptive input by causing physical injuries to the brainstem and vagus nerve. These injuries contribute to stress, or subluxation, on the nervous system – a condition known as dysautonomia.

Subluxation involves three main components: misalignment, fixation or decreased proprioceptive input, and neurological interference, imbalance, and dysfunction. It is essential to understand how these factors impact your child’s body.

While physical therapy (PT) and occupational therapy (OT) exams assess proprioceptive function and motor tone through movement and coordination tests, our neurological INSiGHT scans provide a deeper analysis of the root causes.  With the information gathered from the INSiGHT scans, we can identify the specific subluxation and altered proprioception. Neuro-Tonal Adjustments, designed to enhance proprioceptive input into the brain and central nervous system, can then be applied to help improve your child’s condition.

Story of Hope: Joseph and His Struggle with Proprioception

Hearing from another family who has experienced something similar to what you’re going through can help you relate and put all the puzzle pieces together.  Joseph’s story is an inspiring one that connects with the essence of proprioception. Joseph, whose journey from anxiety, sensory processing disorder, and low muscle tone to a happier, more relaxed state with improved posture, showcases the transformative power of understanding proprioception. You can find Joseph’s inspiring story and related scans here.

Drug-Free Care for Your Child’s Proprioception

If you suspect that your child is struggling with proprioception and related conditions, and you feel that the progress from PT, OT, and Speech Therapy alone is not as fast or complete as you would like, we encourage you to explore Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic. It so often serves as the missing link in improving proprioception and overall neurological development in children.

Please reach out to our team at Congruent Life Chiropractic, we’d love to answer any questions you may have! If you’re not local to us in North Liberty, you can search for a local PX Doctor near you on our directory to get your child started with care today.  Together, we can help you support your child’s health and give more support with their daily movement or sensory struggles.

Understanding and Supporting Your Child’s ADHD With Drugfree Options

Hey parents. Do you suspect your child has ADHD? Are you unsure about the diagnosis or the different subtypes? Trust us, you’re not alone. When it comes to ADHD, a condition that makes it harder for kids to focus and stay organized, understanding the truth can be perplexing for both parents and patients.

The lack of a concrete medical diagnostic test for ADHD adds to the confusion. Instead, parents and teachers often rely on surveys or questionnaires, leading to hasty labeling and the prescription of addictive and dangerous medications. This issue affects a significant number of families, with over 6 million children diagnosed with ADHD in the United States and more than 4 million of them relying on psychoactive medications.

But here’s the shocking truth: there’s no medical test that proves ADHD is caused by genetics or a chemical imbalance. Furthermore, parents often find themselves frustrated by the diagnosis because their child can focus effortlessly on activities like playing video games or watching TV for hours on end.

So, what exactly is going on? In this blog, we’re going to simplify things for you. We’ll explore the true root causes of ADHD, provide insights on how to conduct proper neurological testing and reduce the overwhelming number of ADHD subtypes from six to two: Raging Bulls and Drunken Bulls.

Parents like you want and deserve answers. You want to understand the real causes behind your child’s ADHD, explore testing options that go beyond surface-level surveys, and discover drug-free steps to help balance their brain, body, and nervous system.

Going Beyond Symptom Chasing

Our approach to ADHD at Congruent Life Chiropractic refuses to merely address symptoms with surveys, questionnaires, and medications. Instead, we delve deeper to uncover the root causes of your child’s ADHD and address the neurological imbalances and dysfunctions directly.

An incredible scanning technology called INSiGHT scans helps us to do that. This remarkable technology enables us to find and measure the amount of stress accumulated in your child’s Central and Autonomic Nervous System. It reveals whether their system is stuck in “gas pedal” mode-sympathetic fight or flight overdrive-and also identifies the shutdown of the “brake pedal,” which we can measure through HRV scans.

Research has strongly linked ADHD with lowered or suppressed HRV scans. This indicates that the parasympathetic and vagus nerve, responsible for rest, relaxation, and regulation, are not functioning optimally.

Raging Bull or Drunken Bull… or Both

Through our scans and tests, we can determine whether your child falls into one of two main ADHD types we see in clinical practice: “Raging Bull” or “Drunken Bull.” Some children may even exhibit a mixed presentation of both types.

Once we’ve conducted the necessary scans and ADHD testing, we can create a fully customized Neurological Restoration Care Plan for your child. This plan will include precisely targeted Neuro-Tonal Chiropractic adjustments tailored to their needs.

Our Neuro-Tonal Chiropractic adjustments serve two vital purposes
every time:

  • Stimulate and activate the “rest, calm, and regulate” side of the nervous system-the parasympathetic and vagus nerve-which, in turn, slows down the sympathetic “gas pedal.”
  • Restore balance and enhance communication between the brain, body, and the demanding and stressful environment your child faces today.

With consistent application of this neurologically-focused care plan and a series of adjustments over a few weeks to months, you will witness remarkable transformations. Raging Bull children start to experience improved focus, calmness, direction-following abilities, and emotional regulation. Drunken Bull kids gain enhanced confidence, coordination, and emotional regulation as well.

Are you unsure whether your child has ADHD? Do you want to understand whether they are a “Raging Bull” or “Drunken Bull” type? If so, I encourage you to reach out to us today! We will use INSiGHT scans and tests that dive deep into the nervous system, uncovering the root causes of your child’s struggles. Our team is ready and trained to serve and work with you to provide the support and guidance your child deserves.

If you aren’t local to us in North Liberty, search for a PX Doc today – find one local to your area on our directory.

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. We want to help you discover the true causes of your child’s struggles and pave the way for a brighter future, free from medication dependency. We can work together to help your child thrive and reach their full potential!

Beyond Genetics: Understanding the Perfect Storm of Childhood Anxiety

Is your child’s anxiety holding them back from experiencing their absolute best life? As a parent, you want nothing more than for your child to be happy, healthy, and confident, especially as they navigate grade school and teenage years. However, the reality is that there is a growing mental health crisis of anxiety in our schools and families, which was further exacerbated by the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the CDC, about 10% of US kids are currently struggling with anxiety, but various sites and studies suggest even higher rates, particularly among teenagers. What’s even more alarming is that we are witnessing anxiety affecting children younger than ever. In the past, anxiety was commonly seen in high school, but now we encounter preschoolers and kindergartners grappling with anxiety and sensory issues so severe that it hinders their daily functioning.

If you are a parent whose child is struggling with anxiety, and more importantly, if you are seeking drug-free options and solutions that target the root causes of your child’s anxiety, this is for you. We understand your desire to see your child thrive, so we are here to empower you with knowledge and resources to address your child’s anxiety head-on.

The Science Behind Anxiety

Anxiety is an intense feeling of worry or fear about the future. While it’s normal for your child to experience anxiety in specific situations, such as before a test or an important event, persistent anxiety that affects their daily activities is a cause for concern.

You may have noticed signs of anxiety in your child, such as nervousness, restlessness, increased heart rate, trouble concentrating, difficulty sleeping, and gastrointestinal problems, often referred to as a “nervous stomach.” These challenges are heartbreaking to watch and can be difficult to navigate when you only want to take these anxious feelings away but have no idea how to help them.

Something else you should be aware of is that anxiety often coexists with other neurological conditions in children, such as sensory processing disorder, autism, and ADHD. Understanding these connections can help you develop a comprehensive approach to managing your child’s anxiety.

Root Causes of Anxiety and the Neurological Approach

Based on clinical experience and the latest scientific research, we believe anxiety is not solely caused by genetics or chemical imbalances. Instead, it is triggered by continual exposure to stress and toxins in your child’s environment, especially during pregnancy, labor and delivery, and early childhood. This “Perfect Storm” creates a cycle of stress and anxiety that becomes deeply ingrained in your child’s nervous system.

One often overlooked aspect of anxiety is the role that birth interventions and birth trauma play. Common interventions like C-Sections, forceps, vacuum extraction, and inductions can trigger a fight-or-flight response within your child’s nervous system from an early age, leading to long-term dysregulation.

As a result, subluxation and dysautonomia occur when the nervous system remains stuck in a sympathetic overdrive, suppressing the parasympathetic and vagus nerve’s calming functions.

Our drug-free approach to care involves using cutting-edge neurological examination using tools like INSiGHT scans and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) to assess the degree of sympathetic nervous system activation

and the functionality of the vagus nerve (often called the “rest and digest” nerve).

Our Neurologically-Focused Chiropractors at Congruent Life Chiropractic aim to improve the quality of life for your child and any individuals struggling with anxiety. Instead of treating symptoms or attempting to cure anxiety, our focus lies in stimulating and activating the vagus nerve to restore a calmer and more regulated state to your child’s autonomic nervous system.

Take the first step today in taking control of your child’s anxiety. We’d love to help! If you aren’t local to us in North Liberty, please visit our directory to find a trained and ready-to-serve PX Doc local to you. There is hope, answers, and drug-free help available for your child. Let us empower you with knowledge and resources that can make a difference in your child’s life.

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. By sharing this message with other parents who could benefit, you contribute to a community of support and empowerment. Together, we can help our children overcome anxiety and thrive.

Raising Healthy Kids: A Natural Approach to Boosting Health and Performance for the School Year Ahead

The end of summer transitioning into a new school year can be a bit of a hectic time for families. As parents, all year long, you strive to prioritize the health and well-being of your children. You go to great lengths to create a nurturing environment and make choices that support their physical and emotional development. However, amidst the challenges and uncertainties, you may be seeking answers to ensure your child’s success, particularly as they head back to school.

You may wonder about the best approaches, the use of medications, sleep routines, and dietary considerations. If you’ve ever experienced this internal struggle, rest assured that you are not alone. In this blog, we will explore a simple solution that empowers you to take control of your child’s health naturally and achieve remarkable results.

If you are searching for drug-free and effective strategies to support your child’s health, this is for you. Whether you’ve encountered sleep issues, digestive problems, behavioral challenges, or anxiety, this will provide valuable insights and actionable steps to help your child thrive.

The Four Health Pillars:

To lay a strong foundation for your child’s health, we need to focus on four essential pillars: Sleep, Exercise and Play, Clean, Healthy Foods, and a Healthy, Adaptable Nervous System. These pillars are crucial for your child’s overall wellbeing and will set them up for success.

1. Sleep

We all understand the impact of insufficient sleep on our mood, focus, and physical health. Similarly, consistent, poor sleep in children can contribute to various health concerns such as digestive issues, immune system problems, anxiety, and depression. Sleep acts as a catalyst for maintaining overall health, including physical growth and development, cognitive development, emotional regulation, mental health, behavioral and social interactions, etc. Sleep should be a huge priority for your child. For tips on how to improve your child’s sleep routine, check out this article on Natural Sleep Remedies for Kids.

2. Exercise and Play

In contrast to the past, when children spent more time engaged in outdoor activities and physical play, today’s children seem to have fewer opportunities for movement. Exercise and play are not only beneficial for physical health but also promote brain development, learning, focus, social skills, and immune response. Encourage your child to engage in regular physical activities to support their overall well-being.  Bonus if these activities are done outside in the fresh air!

3. Eat Clean, Healthy Foods

Nutrition plays a vital role in your child’s health.  Eating healthy, clean foods will provide your child with the necessary nutrients for growth, development, cognitive function, and a strong immune system.  Focus on nutrient-dense foods, hydration, and reducing processed sugars and unhealthy fats. While perfection is challenging, aim for a balance of 80/20, where consistency and long-term commitment to healthy eating habits yield significant benefits.

4. A Healthy, Adaptable Nervous System with Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care

Since the Autonomic Nervous System controls and modulates every single cell, tissue, and organ in your child’s body, especially the immune and emotional systems, the benefits of chiropractic care are so far-reaching. By ensuring a healthy nervous system, chiropractic care supports optimal communication between the brain and body. When this communication is disrupted, which is a condition we call dysautonomia, various symptoms can arise, impacting behavior, immunity, digestion, and emotions.

The Central and Autonomic Nervous System is the “air traffic controller” of the entire body, so since chiropractic focuses on the nervous system, it acts as a catalyst for improved signaling and adaptability for your child.

Congruent Life Chiropractic is trained in Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care and ready to serve your child and entire family. If you aren’t local to us in North Liberty, check out our directory today to find an incredible PX Doc in our network near you.

Helping Your Child Reach Their Full Potential to Thrive

These four health pillars serve as the foundation for your child’s well-being. By prioritizing sleep, exercise, nutrition, and a healthy nervous system, you provide them with the best opportunity to thrive. While supplements and natural remedies can be valuable, their effectiveness is maximized when the foundational pillars are in place.

Remember that simplicity often holds the most significant impact.

As parents, you have the power to shape your child’s health and set them up for success, especially heading into a new school year, helping them reach their full potential and creating a solid base for further growth and development. Share this empowering message with other parents and caregivers who can benefit from these valuable insights.

For more information, check out this Raising Healthy Kids Naturally Playbook. Together, let’s prioritize the foundational health pillars and unleash the extraordinary potential within our children.

Who We Serve

We have helped hundreds of local families with a variety of health concerns.

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