- Kelsie

“My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for 7-8 months and had heard you guys had been successful with helping couples with this. Going through infertility and not knowing or understanding why was a really hard season to walk through. We felt like we were just grasping for answers, but weren’t finding any… until we came here.

I also was having shoulder and neck pain that I had been struggling with since highschool (10+ yrs). I had tried several different types of treatments to help with this, some were successful and some were not, but even the treatments that seemed to help me only gave temporary relief, nothing was ever successful in helping me long term which was really frustrating.

This was at least my 3rd or 4th chiropractic clinic I had been to. No one had ever done the neurological scans to pinpoint or explain where the hidden stress was at in my body and what that was leading to in terms of my health and overall function. I would just come in, get adjusted, and leave. Nothing was ever explained to me. As a client, I wasn’t informed of what was actually going on in my body. Everything about CLC is so different. One of the best things about this place is how much you explain everything, from doing the scans to after each adjustment, I always feel like I’m fully informed about what is going on in my body, how things are functioning, and the changes that are happening throughout care as I began to heal. This is by far the best results I’ve ever received from chiropractic, it’s not even comparative to the care I’ve received through other clinics.

My life has changed so much since beginning care here. As we continued to pursue getting pregnant, we were fully informed every step of the way. We were given so much information on things we could be doing both inside and outside of the office to aid in the process. We now had so many tools in our pockets as we walked through this journey. We were no longer left with unanswered questions, we were heard here, we were empowered here, we were healed here… and now we are pregnant!

My shoulder and neck pain is also gone completely! I was having this neck and back pain on a daily basis for 10+ years and it’s GONE! I’m a teacher so I walk and sit a lot, the pain would sometimes interfere with how much of myself I could fully give to my students; without this constant pain I am able to give my full attention to my students.

I’m at a point in my health journey where I am now proactive. I’m not just constantly reacting to being in pain. My health has been restored and it’s important to me to make chiropractic apart of my weekly lifestyle so my body can continue to feel and function at its best. I feel fully informed about my body. Having nervous system and spine health isn’t just a one and done thing, I’ve learned it needs continuous attention because of the everyday stressors of life that we are exposed to on a daily basis. Long story short, I just feel so much better when I come and am so thankful I began care here!”

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- Jacob

“Before starting care at CLC, I had been dealing with low back pain for TEN YEARS and my energy levels were very low all the time. I was relying on ibuprofen and coffee just to get through the day, which I know now was only just suppressing the symptoms of a bigger health issue.

Dealing with super low energy and fatigue, along with the back pain, was frustrating, especially since I am still so young! It was discouraging and easily made me impatient with our daughter.

I had been going to a chiropractor for a long time prior to coming here. Their approach was a lot different however; I would just go here and there, maybe once every month or so. When my wife and daughter started coming to CLC, I quickly realized your approach was much different; I began to think maybe only going once/month wasn’t enough to get to the underlying root of the issues I was continuing to have after years of care. My symptoms just were not getting any better.

After my family had been coming here for several months and we started noticing huge improvements both in my wife and daughter’s overall health and wellness, I decided I needed to start here as well.

At my first appointment, you showed me the neurological scans and I was fascinated. They were able to pinpoint the underlying stress in my body that I couldn’t necessarily see or feel going on from the outside. I am somebody who likes to analyze things and look at the underlying causes to figure out how we can address the root of the issue and move forward, and that’s exactly what you provide at CLC.

I had been going to a chiro for years, but my neurological scans still came back extremely stressed. It made me realize that if we don’t approach the system at the right frequency and in the right manner, so much stress is left unaddressed.

Once I started at CLC, after about 2 weeks of getting adjusted at 3x/week my back was no longer hurting anymore and overall I felt much more calm. Seeing already, at such an early stage in the healing process, my body was recovering and allowing that stress to go away, and therefore causing less pain in my lower back was amazing.

Prior to starting here, I was experiencing low back pain daily since 2012. I was worried about how I was going to be able to care for my daughter if it continued to get worse. It was constantly there, and it made me so impatient. After about 5 months of care at CLC, it’s rare that I experience it. Sometimes, if I have a little extra stress going on in my life, the old stress patterns will try to sneak back in, but after I get adjusted my body recuperates so much more quickly than it ever did in the past.

It’s made a big difference in my overall day to day. I feel more present. Before, it felt like I was in a fight or flight state all the time; my nervous system was STUCK in stress mode and I was always worried about something. Now, I am able to handle stress better in the moment, take a breath and think through things more rationally rather than being full of fear and anxiety. With my lower back not hurting as it used to, I’m able to be in the moment and not constantly be pulled out because something internally is distracting me from what I need to be thinking about. My energy levels have improved drastically as well, and I find coffee is not something that I NEED to make it to the end of the day. Chiropractic care is something my whole family utilizes to keep us healthy and feeling our best!”

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- Reagan

I started coming to CLC because I was having really severe back pain, almost where I could not get in and out of my car without wincing in pain. I knew I had to get that figured out. I also wanted to support my body in the postpartum season and all the changes that come with that physically and hormonally.

I was nursing so I didn’t want to take much medication for the pain because I was worried about how that could impact my son and my milk supply. I wanted to find a solution that was as natural as possible.

I had been to one other chiropractor before and my experience was I just went in, told them where my pain was, they adjusted me and I never went back. Your approach is so much different here. Seeing the neurological scans and where the internal stress was at in my body correlated with how I was feeling. It was very validating. I was able to see how the stress of everyday life really does have an impact on how my nervous system is able to function. After the first month of care I got a follow-up scan and it was so cool to be able to see how much better my brain and body were functioning.

The consistency of the adjustments in the beginning was key for me. Within the first month of care, my pain was already a lot better. I love the way you explain where you are adjusting each time and how that can impact the function of the body. It makes me feel like I have more knowledge of my body, which I never felt before. I’ve learned how to support my nervous system during times of stress and feel more empowered about health.

Since starting at CLC, my back pain is no where near what it was. Now that I’ve dealt with my main problem I came here for, it’s important to me to continue getting adjusted so I can stay proactive with my health to keep that pain away while also helping other parts of my body function the best they can. Now that I am getting adjusted consistently, I am able to deal with my stress and anxiety a lot better, which was a benefit I didn’t even realize I could get from chiropractic care before coming here! I had never truly been able to get over that “hump” of anxiety. I really felt like I was “stuck” and I’m feeling so much better both mentally and physically now.

I just want to thank you for allowing me to learn more about my body in a respectful and yet understanding way for the average person who has never inquired anything about their body before. This has been such an eye opening experience and I just feel more “connected” now than I ever have before.

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- Ashley G.

I started coming to CLC because I’ve always dealt with lower back pain, anxiety and depression. My low back pain was pretty severe, I would try to work through the pain but sometimes it was so severe I just couldn’t. It would get so bad sometimes it would take me to my knees. Every night my back pain would just kill me and it would interfere with my sleep, now I rarely have back pain! It’s so much better now!

I had also been dealing with anxiety and depression since my postpartum time with my daughter 7 years ago and it was really hard on our family as a whole. Looking at my life before chiropractic care compared to now… I’ve come a really long way. Before I was always so mean and it seemed like the smallest thing would irritate me, like if the bed was made wrong or something was put in the wrong spot. Now I am so much more “go with the flow”, we can go to bed and the entire house will be a mess and I don’t even care! It is such a relief! I had to take medication for a little bit for my anxiety and depression, and it helped but it also made me feel like I didn’t have any emotions at all. Chiropractic has helped me more than medication ever did and I haven’t had to take it for years.

My only chiropractic experience in the past would be to just come once a month. It was never really pinpointing where I actually needed adjusted, it was the same thing every single time I went. It was eye opening coming to CLC, seeing the neurological scans you do here, and just how much stress my nervous system was under. It made sense I was feeling the way I was for so long!

It wasn’t a quick fix. It took a little while of consistent care to start to the see the really big changes, but my life is completely different now!

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- Jake

My twins and wife started at Congruent, and when I saw incredible changes in them, I knew it was something I wanted for myself too. I was dealing with anxiety and panic attacks that would happen at least once a week. I couldn’t hardly go to work on the days that I was having panic attacks. I would be so down into them I wouldn’t want to do anything but sleep. I also was experiencing pretty severe tingling into my arms that would keep me up at night; I had a terrible time sleeping. Additionally, I used to do a lot of concrete work and would get really bad pain right above my tailbone every morning.

Since beginning care at CLC, I am able to handle stress so much better now. I don’t fly off the wall like I used to. I don’t get very angry anymore, I used to be able to snap so quickly. My anxiety and panic attacks I used to have are slim to none now. I can’t even remember the last time I’ve had one. I truly believe a lot of that has to do from getting my adjustments. Now that I’m not easily tempered, I feel like I am a better husband and dad.

Additionally, I don’t have any tingling in my arms anymore, so that is no longer disrupting my sleep. The pain in my tail bone is gone. If I don’t have my weekly adjustment, my body definitely feels it. My whole body feels so much better after getting adjusted both physically and emotionally. Receiving chiropractic care here has changed my entire family’s life.

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- Leah

“We were drawn to Dr.Mike’s office in the hopes that he could help our oldest son with some anxiety and sleep issues. While he didn’t have what I would call “severe” anxiety, it did interfere with his ability to relax. He was chewing his nails down, I hadn’t trimmed his nails in almost a year. He was having some behavioral outbursts if things went off schedule even a little bit. We also were having trouble with him sleeping independently. He once had, but one illness threw all of that out the window and he was at a point in his development that he just needed to sleep with us.

After seeing Dr. Mike for a couple of months, his anxiety has drastically reduced. I have trimmed his nails twice! And even more amazing to me, is that he can just relax, if something goes differently than he expects, he handles it so well. He also has been able to sleep independently (on our floor) which I attribute to the ability to relax. I learned a lot about how subluxation can cause the body to stay stuck in fight or flight, and he was. Now he is not – and while he’s always been a very happy boy, he just seems so much more at ease. Since our oldest was going, we also decided to have our youngest seen (what could it hurt?!). We have noticed that he has been sleeping better too – if he wakes up in the night he is much easier to put down. He also has been sick one time since starting with Dr. Mike, and I truly think that it was much less severe than other colds he has had in the past – shorter, symptoms not as intense. Also, if he ever got a runny nose before he would automatically get an ear infection. That cold he had a runny nose but he did not get an ear infection! Both boys are definitely benefitting. Our issues were not intense to some standards, but it was affecting our daily lives. Improving their overall health has been my main goal and I honestly believe that with Dr. Mike’s help the boys are on the right track.

Since I was taking the boys to Dr. Mike, after a couple of weeks I decided to be seen for some ongoing back pain that I had experienced since being pregnant with my youngest. I also hoped that I could improve my health and lessen my anxiety. What surprised me the most is the improvement in other areas that I didn’t even really realize were a problem, because I just had dealt with them for so long! I have always had sinus issues and after a couple of adjustments I was breathing clearer than I have since I can remember. After a couple of months I have noticed my anxiety has lessened, but more importantly I feel like I have more patience. I don’t “pop my top” as quickly as I was. I was also stuck in fight or flight, and now I’m starting to feel the difference of coming out of that. My back pain has reduced dramatically. If I would do a hard workout before, I would have to take a few days off of exercising to let the back pain subside. I can do whatever workouts I want now without having that back pain immediately follow. And my favorite part is that my sleeping has improved. I didn’t realize how poorly I was sleeping – after all I have two young children! But I fall asleep so much easier now, fall into a deeper sleep, and if I wake up in the night I can fall right back to sleep instead of being up for an hour thinking of all the stuff I have to do. It is a blessing. Thanks Dr. Mike!

I wanted to share our story because I truly think that Dr. Mike can help such a wide range of people. Whatever end of the spectrum you are on, I would highly suggest giving Dr. Mike the opportunity to help you. We are a happier, healthier, more relaxed family thanks to Dr. Mike. We love going to the office, Dr. Mike is kind and empathetic, but the environment as a whole there is so family friendly! Mady, Victoria and Jen are so caring, it never feels like going to another appointment when we go. We love it. THANKS CONGRUENT LIFE!”

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- Jenny

“One day I had woke up with the worst back pain!! It was so painful to move/walk.

Obviously I called Congruent Life Chiropractic since I was already taking two of my kids there! They were amazing right from the start!

After seeing my scans and seeing all of the areas where I had so much stress it was so eye opening! Sometimes we just live with the pain and ignore what our body is trying to tell us. The scan showed what I hadn’t spoke with my mouth. Areas that I had been struggling with because of my postpartum hormones. I definitely felt like I was struggling with mild PPD for probably the first 6 months of Eric’s life. My hormones made me feel all over the place, super irritable and not enjoying my kids/life at all.

It was the worst feeling and I know I was miserable to live with as a wife and a mother! I couldn’t believe the difference I felt within a couple months of being regularly adjusted. It wasn’t an overnight change but I’m here to tell you there did come a day that I wasn’t feeling those PPD feelings any longer and able to handle stress much easier.

Focusing on what I was putting into my body, trying to become healthier and of course getting regular adjustments (so my nervous system can function properly) has been such a great change in my life!!

I’m a huge advocate for Chiropractic and believe that it can help in SO many areas!! I hope that if you or your kiddo is struggling in any way that you’ll give CLC a shot!!”

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- Jon

I had been getting chiropractic care in the Des Moines area when I got a job in Iowa City, and they pointed me to CLC. I had been working for 28 years in public safety which was contributing to my back issues. I was having back spasms that could put me in bed for a week or more.

It was frustrating because I would be making strides and then would fall backwards again. The inconsistency of this was hard, which made it more stressful. After receiving care at CLC, my back feels better and I am not worried it will “give out” again, like it did several years ago. I feel better lifting my handicap daughter from and into her wheelchair. I also travel a lot for work. Before, those trips in the car would cause the back spasms and subsequent issues, but now when I travel I’m just a little stiff. It doesn’t cause the back pain like it used to.

Overall, I am satisfied that the staff at CLC cares, welcomes you, and the doctors have your best interest at heart.

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- Lisa G.

“Before starting care at CLC I was suffering with back/leg pain, headaches, depression, anxiety, poor sleep and STRESS. I was either sleeping all the time, or not sleeping at all. I was taking 4-5 medications daily for my depression, anxiety and ADD. I had even been hospitalized twice for depression. I felt like a total mess! I felt like I had hit rock bottom. I had a hard time enjoying my grandkids. I couldn’t get on the floor to play, and I couldn’t go to the park with them or go for walks. I was not enjoying my life.

The moment I realized that my care at Congruent Life was making a difference was in my first week of care when I went in with a headache (didn’t tell Dr. Mike) and when I left it was gone! Since starting care at CLC I can now enjoy playing with my grandkids and taking walks! I’m in so much less pain and it’s even motivated me to watch what I eat! I actually get out of bed before my alarm goes off, rather then sleeping all the time like before. For the first time in my LIFE I’m not on any medications! I finally enjoyed the holiday season for the first time in 10 years! I’m enjoying life and my grandkids!”

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We have helped hundreds of local families with a variety of health concerns.

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