- Kennedy’s Mom

We sought out care for Kennedy at CLC when she was 3 months old because she was experiencing constipation and was beginning to get really irritable. She started showing symptoms of being colicky. She also was having a hard time with sleeping and nursing. She had started to go on breast feeding strikes where she would just refuse to eat. We knew Congruent Life from a family friend. When we started looking at reviews and testimonials, we decided this is where we needed to come for Kennedy.

From the moments we walked in the doors, you all were so great at educating us about how chiropractic care could help Kennedy. The scans really showed us what was going on internally and how the birthing process affects a new borns system. It was very unique that it could show us as parents where the stressors were in her body. It made sense and helped us make a connection of how the nervous system stress was affecting her digestive system and the calming components of the brain important for sleep and overall comfort. Being educated on that helped us understand there were other answers than just “she’ll grow out of this” or “this is just a stage”.

Kennedy’s struggles began around 1 month old when she was getting out of the “sleepy” new born stage. So in terms of the constipation, sleep, irritability, and eating challenges, she had been struggling for about 2 months when we began care at CLC. She experienced relief from her constipation almost immediately after beginning adjustments. Kennedy was having a bowel movement once every several days before chiropractic, and that was with utilizing gas drops and the windi stick. We definitely wanted to find a more natural approach. I went through one bottle of gas drops and I didn’t want to keep medicating her if we didn’t have to. We wanted a long term solution for her. Within 2 weeks she was having bowel movements every day, sometimes multiple times per day, and they were much easier for her to pass without having to strain.

We also started to see improvements with her eating. Before, she would go on these eating strikes where she would refuse to eat at each feeding session, and sometimes it would last for an entire day before she’d eat again because she was so uncomfortable. Sometimes, the only way I could get her to nurse was if I was bouncing on a ball to keep her content during the feed. I was constantly having to switch positions just to find a way that she would eat. That was a big frustration and we knew we had to address this as soon as possible. Within the first few weeks of care, she was only striking maybe once a day rather than at every feeding session, and by the end of the first month she no longer struggles with nursing challenges and feeding strikes at all.

Kennedy is a wonderful sleeper now. After the first month of care, she was sleeping through the night at 3 months old. She hit a little sleep regression at the 4 month mark that we breezed through and now she’s been in a good pattern of just waking one time per night to feed and going right back to bed. Before we started care she waking every 3 hours, if not more if she was going through a growth spurt.

After that initial phase of care where we were bringing Kennedy in several times per week, she was so much more comfortable and a completely different baby overall. From being so fussy, irritable and uncomfortable all the time, to being a happy, calm and content baby that just goes with the flow, we’ve made it a priority to continue to bring her in for weekly wellness care. We can visibly see how much better she feels after her adjustments and want to continue to support her nervous system as she has so much growth and development ahead of her.

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- Gage’s Mom

I starting bringing Gage to CLC at the age of 3 for constipation and anxiety. Looking back, he was definitely sick more often before beginning care. He spent 6 nights in the hospital for RSV when he was 2 and had been on several different antibiotics when he was younger. He doesn’t see his pediatrician anymore except for his annual physical for school because he doesn’t get sick like he used to! His doctor even commented that over the last 3 years he had only been there 3 times for his physicals and how incredible that was.

When we started, he was eating really well and drinking plenty of water but still was struggling with constipation because it would hurt to go. I didn’t want to resort to using long term miralax. Anything I could do to help him be able to listen to his body and allow it to function better was my goal when I was seeking chiropractic care. Shortly after starting, I noticed Gage was having more regular bowel movements without the pain and anxiety associated with it. After chiropractic, he was struggling less in general. His anxiety is nothing like it was when we started. His ability to socialize also started to improve! He is able to do things more independently now and I’ve seen his confidence grow over time. Gage used to complain about neck pain and he doesn’t have that problem any more either. When he started to get relief, it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. As a mom, it makes you feel good when your kids can start to handle some of the day to day things more independently.

The scans that you do here show that as we have continued with care, his nervous system is a lot less stressed than it used to be. Both of my kids love coming to the chiropractor. As soon as I tell them we are coming, they fight over who gets to go first. To me that says they notice a difference too!

Gage is growing great and is doing amazing in school, especially behaviorally which is something we have struggled with in the past. He rarely gets sick and no longer struggles with constipation and anxiety. I truly believe everything we are doing preventatively for Gage with chiropractic care has been a crucial component to that.

As a mom, learning about how I have been in a perpetual state of fight or flight, I wanted to be able to help my kids be able to calm and regulate that. It was important to me to find a chiropractor that approaches the body and healing in a holistic way, and that’s what you do at CLC! I also began care at CLC during my 2nd pregnancy to help prepare my body for a drug free delivery, and it made all the difference!

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- Arturo

Like many of the kiddos we see, this little guy has been through so much! When Arturo was just 9 months old they started going to doctor appointments all the time. They were hardly ever home, and the doctor’s office and ER was their “second home”. They went to neurology, genetics and visited the ER 4-5x a month and every test came back negative. He was constipated since birth, taking Miralax daily. Arturo would go 2-3 weeks constipated, and he would cry when it came time to go to the bathroom because it was so painful. He experienced frequent ear infections, RSV and dehydration. Arturo was never sick-free for more than two weeks. Their family was afraid to go out, because even a simple walk when it was breezy would turn into a fever spike and a cold! After all of those hospital stays and doctors visits, they still didn’t know what was wrong or how they could help him! They felt like they had exhausted all of their resources, and didn’t know what else there was.

One day Arturo’s mom received a Facebook message from a friend saying “I’ve been bringing my daughter to a great chiropractor, and I really think it could help him!” Since her friend had nothing to gain from sharing their experience, her interest was sparked! She checked out our Facebook page and website, and saw that we specialize in helping kiddos with special needs. Everyone seemed to be afraid to try and help special needs kiddos, so it really drew her in that we were experienced in helping these kiddos!

On their initial visits when Dr. Mike went over the scans and said that he had found something and could help, she took a sigh of relief. They FINALLY found something! Never in the last 3 years did they have any test come back with results that they could actually do something with to help Arturo! Mom says that “this was our missing puzzle piece!”

They have seen so many amazing changes in the last couple months being under care. Arturo hasn’t been to the doctor AT ALL since starting care. Before, they couldn’t go anywhere without him getting sick. Now they can take walks, he can play with his sisters, he can go to school and he doesn’t get sick every time like he did before. He can be a KID! He’s gone from waking up every night between 12-3 am, to sleeping through the night! After his first 3 weeks of care, Arturo started pooping daily with no Miralax! His constipation is now few and far between! He has more energy, and mom says he just acts more alive!!

This family drives 30 minutes each way to get to our office! Mom says “it’s SO worth it!!” When asked what she likes about our office she said, “You guys are AMAZING! The doctors are so loving, and it feels like home. It doesn’t feel like a doctor’s office, you all want to get to know us and care about our days! You don’t find other doctors like that! What you do for families, the encouragement and inspiration both in person and on Facebook makes our days better! We wanted something different, and that’s what we got!”

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- Alaina

Coming to Congruent has been amazing to say the least. I started going to chiropractors a long time ago because of my scoliosis, but I had never experienced the level of care and healing you provide your patients with here. I moved to the area for college and knew I needed to find a new chiropractor, I’m so thankful I found CLC.

Before care at Congruent, it was very hard to sit still and focus in class. On top of that, all of the college books I was having to carry around was taking a toll on my body physically. I was extremely tense everywhere. The new surroundings and demands of college added a lot of emotional stress to my plate that I wasn’t handling well. My stress levels were all over the place and I was struggling with severe anxiety that was consuming my life. My sleep was horrible which led to a lot of fatigue and low energy. Additionally, I had experienced DAILY nausea, for the last 2 years; the thought of breakfast made we want to throw up.

SO MUCH has changed since beginning at CLC. My morning sickness has improved significantly; I was actually able to start eating breakfast without the nausea for the first time in YEARS! Before, my nervous system was too stressed to be able to digest food appropriately, but now I can fuel my body in the mornings to give me more energy throughout the day. The tightness between my shoulders has gone down by a lot and my body overall feels much more relaxed. One of the biggest changes I have noticed has been in my sleep and energy. Before, I would have nights where I’d be up all night long, which led to days where I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed. Now, I’m able to fall asleep at night and stay asleep rather than waking throughout the night, which has allowed me to wake up in the mornings with energy instead of feeling fatigued all day. I’m SO MUCH more energized!! That’s been extremely helpful to keep up with the demands between school and work as a college student.

Another HUGE change has been in my ability to handle stress. 6 months ago, one stressful situation would have just tipped me over the edge and I would freak out, my anxiety would go crazy and would often end in a panic attack. It was like having one drop of water in cup that would just cause all my stress to start overflowing, I couldn’t handle it well at all. The stress felt like it was crumbling me up and I couldn’t function. Now, I’m able to actually breath through my stress! Chiropractic has allowed me to utilize coping mechanisms so much better, rather than having the stress completely consume my mind and body. I can look at a problem more rationally and be able to solve it, now that my brain and nervous system aren’t always locked in fight or flight mode. Not only does my body feel so much better, but more importantly my MIND does.

When I was in high school, I actually worked at a chiro’s office and had a basic understanding of chiropractic; but when I came to CLC my eyes were completely opened to the neurological and functional aspect of how adjustments help the nervous system function better; your approach is much more wellness based which I LOVE, rather than always just focusing on pain. The doctors tell me exactly what is going on internally and how my nervous system is responding to adjustments FUNCTIONALLY, which is something I have never had with my prior chiropractic experiences. I really enjoy that aspect, it’s really encouraging to gain an understanding of what is going on with my body internally, you really involve me in the healing process which is so important, it gives me more motivation to want to lead a healthier life style in general.

This was my first chiropractic experience where I had the neurological scans done; they were so validating! I had never actually been able to SEE where the stress was at in my body and just how bad it was; you were able to explain to me what my symptoms were trying to communicate, WHY certain systems of my body weren’t functioning optimally, and how that was connected to my nervous system. It has really allowed me understand how chiropractic is helping my body heal, as well as those steps I can do along with you guys to heal myself fully; it’s been such an empowering experience. My chiropractic experience before all seemed to just revolve around pain, but you guys have gone way above and beyond that. You look at the WHOLE nervous system to restore function. I’ve been able to see so much progress on my scans along this healing journey. Knowing that not only am I feeling so much better, but also functioning so much better INTERNALLY has been so motivating for me to want to lead a healthier life style.

I am actually planning to go to chiropractic school in a few years! You guys have inspired me so much to want to incorporate so much of what you do here for your patients into my practice in the future to help people live a life where they feel and function their best! It’s so cool coming here and watching you care for so many kids and pregnant women, and really teaching people about how to be proactive in their health and healing journeys.

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- Brooks

We started coming to CLC because Brooks’ neck was always rotated to the right, which lead to him developing a flat spot on the back of his head. He was favoring his right side when he was sleeping and in his car seat. Additionally, Brooks was also struggling with constipation. I got on your website and read through a lot of other testimonials of babies with similar challenges as Brooks who benefited from chiropractic care. I was trying to find solutions that would address the root of his problems. The pediatrician had us schedule an appointment with neurosurgery to make sure there wasn’t a problem we had to address there, but that wasn’t for another 3 weeks and I wanted to find something that could help him as quickly as I could.

I had never been to a chiropractor that did neurological scans like CLC does, they allowed us to actually see what was going on in the body. The areas of stress that came up in Brooks’ nervous system on the scans were matching up with the stress we were visibly seeing in him, it was very validating and confirmed to me that we were in the right place to get Brooks the help he needed.

Once we began care at CLC, we started noticing improvements in Brooks fairly quickly. He no longer favors his right side. He is sleeping with his head turned both ways now and has no issue rotating his head in either direction. We have also seen a lot of improvement with his flat spot that was developing. It has rounded out a lot since beginning care.

Within a few adjustments, we were seeing improvements with his constipation as well. It was not uncommon for him to go 2 days without any bowel movements. The pediatrician didn’t really seem concerned with this, but since we’ve been getting him adjusted, he now has a bowel movement at least 1-2 times per day.

I love bringing Brooks here because it not only has helped with the things we initially sought out care for, but I know it is also helping to optimize growth and development as he is navigating new milestones like sitting, crawling and even teething. It is always so interesting to see the things that come up in relation to his nervous system function, line up with what we are seeing in him developmentally. I love that chiropractic care is helping him be as healthy as he can be!

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- Obermans

“Our family started coming here 5 years ago; both of my children were having terrible digestive issues, they would scream on the toilet every time they tried going to the restroom because they were so constipated. My son Wyatt was very uncoordinated, he was literally running into walls all the time before starting here.

Dr. Mike had explained it to me better than any doctor ever had before. Wyatt’s brain was stuck in concert mode… it was very “noisy” which made it extremely difficult for his neurology to focus on the rest of his body’s needs like balance/coordination, digestion, & immune function.

After starting care, we noticed Wyatt started focusing and sleeping better almost right away. His digestion improved significantly; he was finally able to go to the bathroom without screaming! He also stopped running into walls..I always just thought he was clumsy, it turns out his brain was just really stressed and overwhelmed. It was like a totally new kid emerged. His immune system also improved significantly!

We saw my daughter’s constipation also resolve and were able to address a unique crawl she had developed. We learned how important cross-crawling was for proper brain development and are so thankful we were able to address this issue right away! Amelia was also behind on other developmental milestones until she came here. With consistent adjustments, she began to hit all of the milestones she was lagging behind on very rapidly!

As for me, I had gone through 2 pregnancies without chiropractic care at the time we started; I was having a lot of back issues and was feeling a lot of stress as a mom! My 3rd pregnancy was the first one I was under weekly chiro care, and man was it DIFFERENT! It’s something that I just kick myself for now.

Had I known earlier about your chiropractic approach and that you could get adjusted during pregnancy, that babies can and SHOULD get adjusted right away, it would have drastically changed how well I recovered during my postpartum period, as well as the ease and comfort of my babies. I had a hard time managing my postpartum anxiety after my first 2 pregnancies… I truly believe I was able to navigate all of my emotions so much better after my 3rd because of the chiropractic care I had received both prenatally and postpartum. Through my education here, I’ve been able to understand those changes that happen from a hormonal and emotional standpoint, I’ve been able to get more in-tune with my body and truly listen to its needs. I delivered Josie with so much more ease and comfort than with my first 2 and recovered much more quickly!

We brought Josie in to get checked right after birth because of all the stress babies go through to get earth-side! She was a drastically different baby than my other 2 (who had not received chiro care right away) in terms of her overall comfort, ease, wellness, & development. Josie is hitting her developmental milestones so much more quickly than her siblings; there was a huge difference in the way her brain and body was able to develop. She also hasn’t had any sickness in her first 2 years of life. Both Wyatt and Amelia had ear infections, terrible gas which they needed gas drops for, they were constipated… Josie hasn’t experienced any of that and we contribute it all to chiro care!

My husband’s ability to handle stress and overall health has improved significantly as well. It didn’t take him long to get hooked like the rest of us!!

You guys have helped us understand how to take care of our bodies better outside of the office as well. When we get sick, we come in for extra adjustments and our bodies are able to kick whatever we are fighting so much quicker than we had been able to in the past. Before finding CLC, we’d just deal with whatever we were struggling with or just try to medicate it.. rather than really listening to our bodies and finding the solution it needed to actually heal. We continue to come every week to get our adjustments, it’s become apart of our lifestyle because we know that under chiro care, we just feel our best! As a whole, our family is much more energized and we are much more in tune with our bodies, ultimately we are more empowered about health and are so thankful we found CLC!”

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- Olivia

I began care when I was pregnant with my goal of having a natural, unmedicated birth. I wanted to give myself the best chance and I learned that chiropractic care might be able to help with this!

My husband was so supportive of me continuing chiropractic care postpartum because of how amazing our birth experience was. My birth was 3 hrs and was completely unmedicated! Even my husband was adamant that my consistent chiropractic care played a huge factor in how wonderful our birth went! I felt so confident and empowered during labor with all the knowledge, empowerment, and support I received during pregnancy at CLC. You took care of my body physically to optimize birth preparation, but also your culture here is just so supportive for mothers. I felt more supported here than anywhere else during pregnancy.

When I shared with my midwives that I wanted to have an unmedicated birth, it was a scenario where I had to continually remind them about my wishes and them continuing to remind me it was okay if I wanted an epidural. Here it was so different, the doctors knew that this was my goal and did everything they could to support me in that decision and help me achieve that goal.. I didn’t feel like I had that experience with any of my other practitioners.

There was so much doubt introduced from not only other practitioners, but also my family and friends.

Everyone was very skeptical of me being able to have a natural labor, reminding me of my very low pain tolerance. It would make me question “can I actually do this??” But I knew whenever I walked through the doors at CLC, I would be fully heard and supported.

Here, I learned those pain signals during birth have a purpose to continue to give information to the brain in order to progress labor. I learned how it allows you to have control over your pelvic floor muscles rather than just blocking all the sensors. It was a whole different perspective on the incredible design of natural labor and I felt so empowered in my bodies ability to be able to do this!

I continue to feel that support during this postpartum journey. As a new mom, I have learned there’s a lot of areas of new stress in my body that come along with nursing and caring for my baby. With the increase in stress in my lower neck from nursing, I started to get tingling into my hands. When I came in to get adjusted you knew exactly what was happening in my body and we were able to resolve the issue right away.

We got our daughter adjusted within the first week of her life. Before coming to CLC, I had no idea babies’ spines and nervous systems endure a lot of stress during the birthing process. If Joanna is going through a big developmental leap, I now know that keeping her nervous system as calm as possible and adjusting her in areas of stress can help optimize that development. Or when she is sick, I know that getting adjusted can help her immune system function more optimally and speed up her recovery process.

One time I brought her in and she had been spitting up so much, I was starting to get concerned. You did some adjustments in the areas that help with her digestive system and it helped so much! The fact that we can bring her in for an adjustment when she is constipated and she is able to go poop before we even leave is mind blowing!

I had been to other chiros in the past, but CLC was so different! I had never experienced a technologically integrated chiropractic approach. Because of the scans, I am able to see and understand the stress in my body so much more. One of the coolest things I have learned is the way our spine and nervous system is connected to everything else. By getting adjusted, I know that all the organ systems in my body are able to function better. It has allowed us to be a lot more proactive in our health rather than reactive.

There have been multiple times that we’ve come to get adjusted and I haven’t even told the doctors about what’s going on with Joanna or myself, but they already know based on where the stress is at in our nervous systems! There was one time you identified the EXACT thing that was happening in our life before I had the chance to even tell you and I was completely shocked!

It blows my mind, through identifying stress in our spine, you’re able to tell what’s going on in our lives. The fact that that is possible communicates your spine and nervous system is clearly connected to how everything is functioning in your body and your quality of life; therefore you should proactively maintain that!

I’ve learned it’s not about “oh I’ve just got in a car accident I should get adjusted”, but rather “I just rode in the car for 6 hours and that was stressful to my spine; I should get adjusted and address that stress right away” …. or “I’m postpartum and breastfeeding, which also puts a lot of stress on my system and it’s important I maintain my nervous system health so I can continue to heal optimally and function my best as I’m caring for my new infant.” People don’t really think about all the small things that stress your nervous system on a daily basis that can add up to larger areas of stress and problems if left unaddressed.

I think the best thing about congruent life is the supportive culture. I don’t know any of your other patients, but yet it still feels like a family whenever I walk in the door! The doctors are empathetic and encouraging; CLC is great in every way.

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- Julia

“I began chiropractic care at Congruent Life through a suggestion from my older sister. I had been battling a cold that turned into bronchitis for over a month, and it was clear that my immune system was suppressed. I had also been battling with extremely poor sleep quality; most nights getting only a few hours of sleep and waking up multiple times throughout the night. I was constantly exhausted and the lack of sleep lead to increased anxiety and decreased energy. I was struggling to make it through each work day without heavy caffeination, and had no energy to keep up with my usual exercise regime. I was also experiencing poor digestion and my stomach would hurt often after eating.

I always try to go the natural route, and had tried various herbal teas, meditation, essential oils, and altering my diet. However, I was still constantly waking through the night, and struggling with low energy, productivity, digestive upset, and anxiety.

After meeting with Dr. Mike, he took the time to really explain how my issues were connected to subluxation; how it affects the balance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, digestion, sleep, and immune system response. Within just a few adjustments my sleep was improving. Now, I am sleeping through the night completely! I feel more refreshed when I wake, and have more energy throughout the day, allowing me to be more consistent with my workouts. My anxiety has also decreased, I have less stomach pain, and overall I just feel so much better! I rarely get sick now, and when I do my body is able to fight illnesses so much more quickly than before!

The whole team at Congruent Life is amazing and super friendly. They really care for all their clients, and have a passion for what they do. It’s always funny how excited Dr. Mike gets when I have a really good adjustment and how genuinely happy they all get to see improvements. I would recommend them a million times over!”

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- Hannah

“When I began chiropractic care at Congruent Life there were two main things I wanted to address: finding relief from acid reflux and having as healthy of pregnancy as possible. I first began experiencing acid reflux in college and have struggled with it off and on for the past nine years. While I had identified certain foods and stress as triggers for my acid reflux, I could never get off of and stay off of acid blocking medications, like PPI’s. Going into my pregnancy, I wanted to be off of the PPI I was taking, as I knew it had negative side effects for my own body and I did not want to risk any possible side effects it might have on my baby. I am now in my third trimester and have been off of the PPI my entire pregnancy AND (most importantly) have only experienced a few episodes of acid reflux. The big difference with these instances has been that they are better the next day instead of lasting weeks. Despite heartburn being one of those traditional pregnancy “symptoms,” I am pleased to say I seem to have experienced it less frequently than most women, which is a REALLY big deal for me!

My other main reason for choosing chiropractic care is ensuring that I am doing everything I can to proactively prepare my body and mind for pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum. When I first came to Congruent Life, I had just found out that I was pregnant. As a result, it was very important to me to be cared for by a team that places prenatal chiropractic care as a priority. I feel comfortable knowing that the doctors are certified in the Webster Technique, and I trust that my regular visits to Congruent Life are helping to ensure my baby is in a good position for a natural labor and delivery. I also have high hopes that my commitment to weekly chiropractic care will result in a faster labor that progresses smoothly. But probably most importantly, my time interacting with everyone at CLC has helped me establish a positive outlook on labor instead of an outlook centered on fear. They have played a significant role in helping me learn to trust my body and its ability to do big things.

I feel really fortunate to have found a chiropractor and team that genuinely care about me, my health, and the health of my baby. They never fail to put a smile on my face (even during first trimester morning sickness), and I thoroughly enjoy my time spent in their office. I never leave an appointment sore from an adjustment (which I have experienced at other offices in the past) and instead leave looking forward to my next visit. I am excited to continue my care through the remainder of my pregnancy and afterwards, and I trust that they will provide excellent care to my little one once he or she arrives!”

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