- Alaina

Coming to Congruent has been amazing to say the least. I started going to chiropractors a long time ago because of my scoliosis, but I had never experienced the level of care and healing you provide your patients with here. I moved to the area for college and knew I needed to find a new chiropractor, I’m so thankful I found CLC.

Before care at Congruent, it was very hard to sit still and focus in class. On top of that, all of the college books I was having to carry around was taking a toll on my body physically. I was extremely tense everywhere. The new surroundings and demands of college added a lot of emotional stress to my plate that I wasn’t handling well. My stress levels were all over the place and I was struggling with severe anxiety that was consuming my life. My sleep was horrible which led to a lot of fatigue and low energy. Additionally, I had experienced DAILY nausea, for the last 2 years; the thought of breakfast made we want to throw up.

SO MUCH has changed since beginning at CLC. My morning sickness has improved significantly; I was actually able to start eating breakfast without the nausea for the first time in YEARS! Before, my nervous system was too stressed to be able to digest food appropriately, but now I can fuel my body in the mornings to give me more energy throughout the day. The tightness between my shoulders has gone down by a lot and my body overall feels much more relaxed. One of the biggest changes I have noticed has been in my sleep and energy. Before, I would have nights where I’d be up all night long, which led to days where I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed. Now, I’m able to fall asleep at night and stay asleep rather than waking throughout the night, which has allowed me to wake up in the mornings with energy instead of feeling fatigued all day. I’m SO MUCH more energized!! That’s been extremely helpful to keep up with the demands between school and work as a college student.

Another HUGE change has been in my ability to handle stress. 6 months ago, one stressful situation would have just tipped me over the edge and I would freak out, my anxiety would go crazy and would often end in a panic attack. It was like having one drop of water in cup that would just cause all my stress to start overflowing, I couldn’t handle it well at all. The stress felt like it was crumbling me up and I couldn’t function. Now, I’m able to actually breath through my stress! Chiropractic has allowed me to utilize coping mechanisms so much better, rather than having the stress completely consume my mind and body. I can look at a problem more rationally and be able to solve it, now that my brain and nervous system aren’t always locked in fight or flight mode. Not only does my body feel so much better, but more importantly my MIND does.

When I was in high school, I actually worked at a chiro’s office and had a basic understanding of chiropractic; but when I came to CLC my eyes were completely opened to the neurological and functional aspect of how adjustments help the nervous system function better; your approach is much more wellness based which I LOVE, rather than always just focusing on pain. The doctors tell me exactly what is going on internally and how my nervous system is responding to adjustments FUNCTIONALLY, which is something I have never had with my prior chiropractic experiences. I really enjoy that aspect, it’s really encouraging to gain an understanding of what is going on with my body internally, you really involve me in the healing process which is so important, it gives me more motivation to want to lead a healthier life style in general.

This was my first chiropractic experience where I had the neurological scans done; they were so validating! I had never actually been able to SEE where the stress was at in my body and just how bad it was; you were able to explain to me what my symptoms were trying to communicate, WHY certain systems of my body weren’t functioning optimally, and how that was connected to my nervous system. It has really allowed me understand how chiropractic is helping my body heal, as well as those steps I can do along with you guys to heal myself fully; it’s been such an empowering experience. My chiropractic experience before all seemed to just revolve around pain, but you guys have gone way above and beyond that. You look at the WHOLE nervous system to restore function. I’ve been able to see so much progress on my scans along this healing journey. Knowing that not only am I feeling so much better, but also functioning so much better INTERNALLY has been so motivating for me to want to lead a healthier life style.

I am actually planning to go to chiropractic school in a few years! You guys have inspired me so much to want to incorporate so much of what you do here for your patients into my practice in the future to help people live a life where they feel and function their best! It’s so cool coming here and watching you care for so many kids and pregnant women, and really teaching people about how to be proactive in their health and healing journeys.

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- Bo

The first 3 weeks of Bo’s life were really hard. He was super colicky and inconsolable; he was crying ALL THE TIME. His neck was stuck to the left and he was starting to get a flat spot on the back side of his head because of it. He also wasn’t nursing great because he was so uncomfortable when he would lay on his right side. He had acid reflux that was causing him to spit up quite a bit. He was very stiff, rigid and would always arch his back; no one besides me could even hold him. You could tell just by looking at him how uncomfortable he felt.

I took him to the pediatrician and they told me he would eventually “grow out of it,” they said colic and acid reflux was “normal.” As a first time mom, I felt very helpless and defeated, my baby was crying all the time and I felt like there was nothing I could do to bring him comfort. “He has colic and he will grow out of it” was not a good enough explanation for me. I had a gut feeling something wasn’t right and I knew we had to try something else.

He was 3 weeks old when we brought him to CLC. Bringing him here gave us ANSWERS as to what was going on in his body as a whole. Our first appointment gave me so much HOPE my baby boy was going to find relief. CLC gave us a more holistic approach and a plan to actually help him feel better. Once we started getting him adjusted, we saw improvements almost immediately. Within 1 week of care, Bo was much more manageable and by about week 3 he was a completely different baby! He’s now turning his head to both sides and the flat spot that was developing on the back side of his head has completely rounded back out; his head is so symmetrical now! The acid reflux is resolved and he has stopped spitting up. He is sleeping and nursing so much better. He also started SMILING. You can tell he overall is feeling so much better and is a lot more comfortable. My husband and other family members are able to hold him now because he has stopped arching his back and is able to move more freely!

Before coming to CLC, I had no idea how much stress babies go through during the birthing process. It has been such a positive learning experience for me. Parents aren’t told any of this before hand in the traditional medical field. His birth was very traumatic, they had to use forceps to get him out, but I still had no idea how much his little spine and nervous system were affected by that until we came here and had the neurological scans done on Bo. It was eye opening. There was SO MUCH stress on his little nervous system, but it gave me hope because we finally found answers and knew there was something we could do to help him now. Over the course of care we have seen SO MUCH improvement not only from a symptom standpoint, but also tremendous progress on the neurological scans that map out FUNCTION. We have learned so much about how to optimize Bo’s growth and development from the doctors at CLC. I know keeping his nervous system in check will help him work through milestones and leaps with ease. We don’t even see sleep regressions when he goes through a leap! Bo is THRIVING now and we couldn’t be happier!

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- Justin

“Before starting at Congruent, I would let stress take over my body and it began to affect my overall health immensely. Stress and tension continued to build up over the years; I was trying to deal with my stress through different medications and “band-aids”, which never really seemed to help.

Finding an alternative approach to managing my stress has helped me so much. After starting here, I really started to see the benefits of adjustments, and how it was helping me manage my stress in a more efficient and effective way.

My wife and I had actually been going to a different chiropractor before finding CLC, but we always just felt like a number, and not a person. It was a very rigid routine there and it would be the same adjustments every time. At CLC the care we receive each visit is individualized to our experiences and the stress our body is holding onto on that particular day. It’s never the same.

Before care, my stress levels were so high they would interfere with my sleep quality which became a vicious cycle of getting bad sleep and being in a bad mood…it would affect my entire day. Once I started at CLC I was finally able to sleep through the night! Along with my sleep quality, my over all mood has improved dramatically, and I’m in much less pain; how I feel and function has been a complete 180.

For years, I was just masking my symptoms with ibuprofen and other meds. You guys have opened my eyes to where health truly comes from and there’s been a huge shift in my lifestyle; if I do feel under the weather, my first thought is now to come in and get adjusted rather than running for the medicine cabinet. We now use holistic tools to support our bodies through illnesses, rather than suppressing the symptoms. It feels better to not have to deal with the side effects of medicine all the time.

I recently got a letter in the mail from my doctor that they haven’t seen me in over a year; this opened my eyes so much to how much our lives have changed since CLC. Before, the doctor’s office is a place I would have to frequent often; it feels so good to know I’ve been able to take control of my health. You’ve opened my eyes to thinking differently, asking questions, getting to the root cause rather than suppressing symptoms all the time, and it’s definitely paid off in the end.”

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- Kelly

I started at CLC 4 years ago when we were struggling to get pregnant with our first. We had been trying to get pregnant for 9 months before beginning care; we were starting to explore different infertility options. I knew you guys specialized in pediatrics and fertility so I decided to come here!

After 3 months of care at CLC, I went to my OB for an exam to see what the next steps would be in our fertility journey and to our pleasant surprise, we found out we were pregnant and did not have to explore other options!! We have since had 2 boys!

Walking through infertility was defeating and frustrating, the doctors were telling us we were a healthy couple and nothing was wrong, but we still weren’t able to get pregnant, I knew something was missing and that missing piece for me was neurologically based chiropractic care. The neurological scans I had done on my first visit were able to pinpoint the stress on my nervous system that was contributing to my hormone imbalances and fertility challenges. When I saw the scans, I knew I was in the right place.

After beginning care, not only did we get pregnant, but I also experienced many other benefits. I didn’t have the re-occurring pain or discomfort that I used to. After having children, I learned about “the mom spot” between the shoulder blades you talk about, and it has been very manageable with our families consistent weekly care.

I had been going to another chiropractor before coming to CLC, but the adjustments were the exact same every time and I wasn’t seeing the changes I wanted to, I wasn’t getting relief and would often times even feel worse. The care I receive here is so different, it’s specific to what was going on with MY body, the adjustments are different each time. You base your care recommendations off of neurological scans that show how your system is functioning internally, rather than a X-ray that was taken 2 years ago.

My entire family gets weekly adjustments now. It makes me feel great and I know it is helping my kids be as healthy as they can be. When my second was born, he had a very abnormal head shape. He started a week after he was born and within a few adjustments his head shape was completely different, when we take him to the doctor they always comment on how symmetrical and perfect his head is! I didn’t even know that chiropractic could help with the shape of babies’ heads until I started coming here and saw the results first hand! If they ever get constipated, adjustments help almost immediately to get their bowel movements going again.

We love the family atmosphere here and all the health and healing being apart of CLC has brought to our family.

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- Novaks

“I started care at CLC to address my hormone imbalances. I had been walking through the difficult journey of recurrent miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. We found out that I had a benign tumor on my ovary that was a contributing factor. All the doctors I had seen so far were just taking a “watch and wait” approach. It was really frustrating and devastating as we knew it was contributing to the loss of several pregnancies.

Once I started getting adjusted I was able to get pregnant within 1 month! That was the first time I was able to sustain a pregnancy in a couple of years. We got an ultrasound right away because of my history, and we were shocked to see that the tumor I had on my ovary for over 2 years was gone. The last time we had it evaluated on ultrasound was in January before starting care; the mass was 2 cm big and hadn’t changed in size for 2 years. I started care at CLC in March of that same year and by April my tumor was gone and I was pregnant!

We gave birth to Olivia in December; she was our 1st of 5 children who was adjusted as an infant, literally hours after she was born! Her growth and development journey has been vastly different from our other kids who did not receive chiropractic care until they were older (more on their chiropractic stories below!). Olivia is by far our healthiest child. She has very advanced speech compared to my other kids; at 2 years old she is talking in full sentences and speaks very clearly, whereas some of my other children were non-verbal at the age of two and had major speech challenges. Olivia is also more advanced in her gross-motor skills and is much more emotionally stable than my other kids. She doesn’t have anxiety like her siblings did. She is outgoing and doesn’t let fear intervene with how she interacts with people.

Before beginning care at CLC, my older kids were struggling with anxiety, OCD, behavioral challenges, major sensory issues, and major speech challenges… the difference you had to offer was getting to the root of the problem.

My oldest daughter wasn’t able to feel parts of her body and her bones were collapsing. Once she started getting adjusted, she was able to feel parts of her body that she was never able to before and her bones have been able to start evening out more. I wish we would have known about chiropractic sooner for her.

I’ve seen tremendous improvements with all my older kids in terms of anxiety, OCD, and behavioral issues after beginning care. Some of my kids were non-verbal up until 2 and we had to get other interventions involved. Once we began chiropractic care, their speech and language development rapidly started excelling and they were able to get caught up to the appropriate level. Our only child who has never experienced any of these challenges is Olivia who has been adjusted since literally a few hours old.

Our entire family, my 5 kids, myself and my husband are all under weekly chiropractic care. Our entire household environment is much more calm now; before coming here we were kind of at a loss of what to do for everyone’s health issues. We were seeking care from other holistic health care practitioners at the time, and what we found was that once we started chiropractic care, all those other things we were working on started getting better. It was like chiropractic was the missing link to connect all those other practices we were trying like PT, OT, and different supplements. Our nervous systems were finally calm enough to actually integrate all the other changes and protocols we were doing.

We look at health totally different now, we are seeing it through a new lens. We don’t live in fear about any chronic health issues that may come along, because we have now been equipped with a lot more tools and knowledge because of chiropractic; how our body’s work and how our bodies heal. Rather than suppressing our body from doing what it was designed and created to do, we’ve opened up a whole new world on how to actually support our bodies as it navigates different symptoms and stressors.”

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- Zoie’s mom

“Before beginning care here, Zoie was dealing with anxiety, behavioral issues, defiance, aggression, as well as lots of headaches, stomach aches and car sickness. We had been trying to address these challenges for over 5 years with therapy and different medications but nothing seemed to help. It was really frustrating trying all of these things, things they always said were going to work, but didn’t. It got to a point where something had to give, we had to take a different approach and get to the root cause of her struggles or else it was just going to keep getting worse.

That is when we started at CLC. Everything here has always been communicated so well. Every time she is adjusted, you always explain what areas you worked on, why they were areas that needed to be adjusted, and how that could ultimately affect the way Zoie’s body is functioning. When I first saw the scans, it was mind blowing, I remember feeling so much emotion around finally getting to the root of her challenges. It was an aha moment of “THIS is why she is the way she is, and now we are finally going to do something that’s actually going to be able to help her!”

The craziest thing to me was last week before I even told Dr. Mike what was going on, he started assessing her spine and nervous system and asked if she had any big life stressors going on that day because of what he was finding. I was shocked, there was actually a death in our family that week. I was just so amazed how you guys can really tell what stress the body is working through without us even telling you.

My husband was a little skeptical before starting our journey here, but he was the one who initially pointed out he could tell chiropractic care was making a huge difference for Zoie.
Zoie is in such a better spot emotionally now; she’s able to articulate her emotions better, she’s able to cope so much more efficiently and she is much calmer. When she does get angry or frustrated, she’s able to come down from it much more quickly & express to us why she was angry, which is something that was really hard for her to do before. Overall she is just a much happier kid! Zoie is so much more polite and she’s wanting to engage with us more in conversation, which we didn’t really get much of before! Another huge change we’ve seen is she doesn’t get car sick anymore; before care at CLC she would experience bad car sickness even with medications and now she hardly experiences it at all! Zoie doesn’t get headaches and belly aches nearly as often, and we’ve even noticed a difference in her posture; she’s standing up taller!

Before finding CLC, life was very stressful. We were at a point where something had to change. As a parent, it was tiring and exhausting trying to help Zoie through these challenges, no parent wants to see their child struggle. Now, we don’t have very many issues!

Probably the best part of all of this improvement we’ve seen with Zoie, is how it’s impacted the whole family. She is getting along with her siblings so much better. Zoie isn’t constantly trying to pick arguments with everyone now. This weekend, she spent a lot of time with her brother and they were actually getting along! That doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it was huge! I haven’t seen that in so long and it was just so refreshing to see the entire family dynamic changing because Zoie is in such a better place now.”

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- Allison

“Before starting care here at CLC, I was dealing with lots of low back pain, irritability, anxiety and fatigue. My stress levels were extremely high and there wasn’t a reason for it other than my body was trying to tell me I wasn’t in a good place.

Over the last few years, I transitioned to being a stay at home mom; I noticed my irritability and anxiety were gradually climbing. I tried to manage my stress for a while with things like yoga and self-care at home, but I didn’t even have the energy or endurance to do those things, it was just easier to stay in bed and not get up and work out. I was fatigued and exhausted all the time, which would then amplify my stress and anxiety. I was verbally exploding a lot and I hated the place I was in.

I knew how to make myself feel good in terms of healthy eating and exercising, but I was stuck in a pit. My body was craving sugar all the time to try and give me a quick pick me up and boost in energy, which would of course give me a small boost of energy followed by a crash. My neurology was too stressed to allow me to execute on these healthy habits I knew I needed to follow through with.

Before coming here, I actually saw a different chiro for a while. I went every month, but it was more of just a “back cracker” and a quick “band-aid” fix, I wasn’t seeing a change, it wasn’t relieving anything so I ended up stopping.

I came to CLC and you guys did neurological scans on the first visit which helped you pinpoint and identify where all my stress was stemming from. Even though I had been going to another chiro for a while, my scans were still super stressed! I was relieved to see there was a reason behind why I was feeling the way I was. Once I started at CLC, I began with getting adjusted several times a week to help CALM my nervous system down and get me out of FIGHT/FLIGHT mode.

After I would get adjustments, I would experience these surges of energy and rush of endorphins, I was able to go home and actually be productive with my day rather than just sitting around. I love how you guys are constantly educating and reassuring your patients every step of the way. It was so cool to see the progress scans, my improvements, and all the HEALING taking place in my nervous system.

After about 1-2 months of consistent care, I really started feeling the momentum of healing picking up. Now, I am sleeping SO MUCH better! I feel refreshed in the morning instead of groggy. When I feel rested, I feel like I can take care of my family. I’m pouring from a full cup and have so much more to give! Before I was so drained and trying to pour from an empty cup, which was draining me even more.

I also have the energy to exercise and I’m not relying on coffee to get me through my day. I’ve noticed my body is now craving water and healthy foods, rather than sugar and junk, because it’s helping me heal! I’m able to better take care of my family! My low back pain has also improved drastically, which I had been dealing with for 12+ years! I used to constantly be in pain, which would make it hard for me to get on the floor and play with my kids. I’m so happy I’m able to do these things with EASE now and feel good while doing it!”

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- Caiden

“The main reason we started Caiden at CLC were because of his allergies, but we ended up seeing many health improvements including his digestion! For the last couple of years, during the allergy season, Caiden’s allergies would flare up a little bit, but it wasn’t that big of a deal. They’d go away pretty quickly after a little Benadryl. My husband has allergies too so I’ve never really thought anything of it.  But this past spring it was a different story; they were SO BAD. It happened pretty much over night, pollen season came and smacked us  in the face. His eyes were so swollen, red, and itchy. He’s only 4 so he didn’t really know how to handle it, all he could do was whine and scream. We couldn’t go outside, I had to pretty much just sit him in front of the tv and hoped the Benadryl would kick in, but it just wasn’t helping like it had in the past. He’d just have to lay their with wash cloths on his face for comfort. Every day for 10 days he woke up with his eyes sealed shut with goop. He’d scream for me because he was scared he couldn’t see or open his eyes. It was right when the seasons were starting to change, the weather was so nice finally but we couldn’t go to parks with all our friends, we had to avoid all the fun activities. For those 2 weeks, he would react severely within just 10 minutes of being outside, itching all over the place… I was desperate for help. 


I had been coming to CLC for a few years, and I love what you guys do here. Knowing that allergies are connected to the immune system, which is controlled by the nervous system, I knew we needed to try this.  


On his initial visit, we got the scans done and they were indicating extreme stress in Caiden’s little body and nervous system.  I felt a little overwhelmed and sad, you want the best for your children, you want them to be healthy, he’s only 4 and his nervous system was showing all this disease and dysfunction. I was sad about it, but at the same time I knew that’s why we were here. He is so young and there’s so much potential for healing in his little body. You guys explained the more stress on the scans you find, the more improvements you expect to see; that gave me a lot of hope.


Since starting with adjustments, undoubtedly he’s doing so much better. He’s not getting these flare ups, and in general I can tell his system is just so much more CALM. He doesn’t have the itchiness or puffiness anymore. He used to have random skin issues, little bumps and areas of eczema which is happening much less frequently over all. We were just at the Johnson County fair and there was hay being thrown everywhere, his eyes started to get a little puffy and itchy, but he recovered so quickly this time. He woke up the next morning and he was completely normal; at that moment it clicked for me that his body was able to recover so well against that little, mini attack. It didn’t last 2 weeks like before, it was literally a few hours and he was fine again!! I know his body is responding a lot better than it was prior to chiro care. 


It’s always been in the back of my head that something was off with his digestion as well. His stools have always been pretty inconsistent and he would experience a lot of bloating. I know how important good gut health is for a properly functioning immune system, and that the nervous system plays a key role in that. With adjustments, I’ve noticed his digestion has improved and his poops are more healthy and regular! His bloating has also improved significantly. That’s been really cool to see. I know his body is now able to detox so much more efficiently with the improvements in digestion. 


I’m so hopeful for next year when allergy season comes around and pollen counts spike, that Caiden’s body is going to be able to respond so much better. And I just love knowing that chiropractic care is allowing his ENTIRE body to function better in addition. Caiden LOVES coming here now! He was pretty nervous at first even though he’d been watching me get adjusted for months, but with in a few adjustments he would hop right up on the adjustment table; the doctors are so awesome with him and made him feel comfortable so quickly!”

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- Tori

“I initially came to Congruent because I was having migraines beyond belief; they paralyzed me to the point I couldn’t get up and do daily functions. They were so bad ibuprofen wouldn’t touch them. I also had very shakey hands and my weight fluctuated a lot. I was experiencing extreme fatigue and had a lot of brain fog. My menstrual cramps were unbearable and I had a very sluggish digestive system.

I didn’t want to feel like this forever. I just wanted a day to wake up and not wonder if I’m gonna feel like crude; not wonder if I’m going to get a migraine; not be hesitant to show someone a picture on my phone because my hands are shaking so bad. I had been struggling with all of this stuff for about a year and I just wanted to feel GOOD again.

I don’t love going to the doctor, for my whole life it’s never been my first resort. I hated the idea of going on any type of migraine medication. I was at a loss of what to do. I knew I had to try CLC first. I finally pulled the trigger and started care here; it’s helped me with every single symptom that I came in with.

CLC got to the root cause. You found out what the real problem was, where as other places would have just masked the issues with medications and prescriptions. When I saw all the stress on my neurological scans at my first appointment, I was actually relieved that everything I was experiencing wasn’t just in my head, I could see it right there on paper.

You can tell you guys genuinely care about your patients; I feel so comfortable here. I have never felt comfortable at a doctor’s office until I came here. You want to know that you are being taken care of, that YOU matter, and that’s what I feel here.

I started feeling better immediately. The first time I got adjusted, I came in with a headache and left without a headache; I haven’t had a migraine since! Before, I couldn’t even get my pain during my cycle to a manageable amount WITH ibuprofen, now my cramps are very minimal or not there at all! My digestion has also improved significantly!

After the first month of care, my hands stopped shaking! I was feeling so much more energized. My brain fog was gone! I wasn’t able to focus on anything or be present before…now, it’s just so different! My anxiety and depression have improved so much; because so many of my other symptoms that were draining me have improved significantly, I am now better able to focus my energy on healthy ways to manage my anxiety and depression. It’s very apparent to people I am around on a daily basis that my health has improved by a landslide. I was shocked how quickly I started feeling better in literally every aspect of my health.

My life is just way better now. I am HEALING. You guys have helped me more than you know. I can’t even believe I let myself go so long feeling the way I was. I am so incredibly thankful I found CLC.

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How much is poor health costing you?

How many sick days do you have to take for yourself, or your kids?

How much time & money do you spend driving your kids to all the appointments?

What important things in life are you missing out on?

Is taking vacations stressful because your kids have trouble handling unfamiliar places?

Has your family’s health challenges taken a toll on your health?

Poor health may already be costing you a great deal.

What’s My Investment

Every person and every family have different health needs; therefore, we have a variety of different options and are very flexible. Call our office today to figure out the investment it will take to get your family checked.